Sunday 15 January 2012

Dire doings being attributed again to "East London" [Hackney] "MP", another "Shadow" "Minister"

Dire doings being attributed again to "East London" [Hackney] "MP", another "Shadow" "Minister"

Editor © Muhammad Haque

1725 Hrs GMT
15 January 2012

This DAILY MAIL MEDIA GROUP report may have been a scripted one. But Ms Abbott wasn’t to know that! Or was she?

How is it that the DAILY MAIL keeps promoting Diane Abbott as not only a complete representative of the “black” community but also as one who is anti the white people?
Is it enough to quote Abbott’s tweet that said words to the effect that "white people liked to play divide and rule"?
Or should Diane Abbott’s record since her ouster [under the guidance of ethnicity-exploiting bureaucracies and blocks installed in the former Labour Party and the former Labour Movement] of poor Ernie Roberts as the constituency MP be treated as a more reliable guide to determine exactly what she has been doing on the “race and ethnicity” front?

[To be continued]

We the Movement defending the ordinary people of the East End TOLD you so! Mobilise and hold the post-holders to account

We the Movement defending the ordinary people of the East End TOLD you so! Mobilise and hold the post-holders to account:

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

BHANGEELAAR! challenging Tower Hamlets Council Tories to show that they really do care for a democratic borough:


The CAMPAIGN against an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets

What should Peter Golds do now, realistically speaking? If he truly believes in the imperative that his regular pokes at the Council's bureaucracy suggests then we think that he really should join us and we can together progress the movement that can then expose the abusers now abusing our resources and our democratic rights in the Borough.

Peter Golds can do what we have been asking him since before October 2010 to do: openly and sustainably and reliably back our call for the full audit and the scrutiny of the sham referendum dated 06 May 2010.

We have called for an examination of the role that “Dr” Kevan Collins played in that corrupting charade of the ‘referendum’. As strategy, Peter Golds has been in fantasy land on the issue and, as the latest ‘defection’ from the Isle of Dogs area confirms, he is doomed to wither away as far as numbers go. Numbers of ‘elected councillors on Tower Hamlets Council’ that is.

So long as there is a cesspit of greed available with access to public facilities to feed the greedy ones there will be no end of takers for the careerist dope and the opportunistic lure.

The only sure way to stop that is to remove the offensively undemocratic diversionary excuse that has been foisted on the people.

Why won’to Peter Golds have the courage to admit that and join us?

Or is he somehow too set in his prejudices to join with us? Would he RATHER let the remaining pretensions of democracy in Tower Hamlets slide out of all recognition than come onboard on the active and the pro-democratic movement that we have been running since 06 February 2010 on this front?

© Muhammad Haque

Honorary Organiser


The CAMPAIGN against an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets

1400 Hrs GMT Wednesday 03 August 2011

THE ABOVE is an EXTENDED response to and comment n the statement by Peter Golds as published in the report on the EAST LONDON ADVERTISER's web site. Texts of that piece are reproduced below:

Mayor accused of wasting public money on attending bussinessman’s bash

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
6:23 PM

The mayor of Tower Hamlets is accused of wasting council cash by using a chauffeur driven limo to take him to a “non-essential” business venture.

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Lutfur Rahman has been criticised for using his taxpayer funded £72-a-day hire car, a Mercedes E Class, plus a town hall driver to attend the launch of a restaurant’s cricket bash on July 11.

Mr Rahman attended the event – the Mayor’s Cup T20 Cricket - for the Clifton Group’s new national tournament.

But Tory opposition leader Peter Golds argued the event is a commercial venture and said council money should not be used to promote it.

He said: “Taking council staff from public duties, so they can sit in a limousine is hardly undertaking essential work of the borough.

“Mayor Rahman needs to draw a distinction between public duty and exhibitionism.”

A council spokesperson said: “The Mayor was invited to a community event and attended, as he would with any other positive community event that he is able to attend.”

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· Shouldn't Peter Golds recognise reality and join our campaign to restore a democratic and accountable elected Council structure in Tower Hamlets? 1334 GMT Weds 03 August 2011

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BHANGEELAAR! challenging Tower Hamlets Council Tories to show that they really do care for a democratic borough:


The CAMPAIGN against an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets

What should Peter Golds do now, realistically speaking? If he truly believes in the imperative that his regular pokes at the Council's bureaucracy suggests then we think that he really should join us and we can together progress the movement that can then expose the abusers now abusing our resources and our democratic rights in the Borough.

Peter Golds can do what we have been asking him since before October 2010 to do: openly and sustainably and reliably back our call for the full audit and the scrutiny of the sham referendum dated 06 May 2010.

We have called for an examination of the role that “Dr” Kevan Collins played in that corrupting charade of the ‘referendum’. As strategy, Peter Golds has been in fantasy land on the issue and, as the latest ‘defection’ from the Isle of Dogs area confirms, he is doomed to wither away as far as numbers go. Numbers of ‘elected councillors on Tower Hamlets Council’ that is.

So long as there is a cesspit of greed available with access to public facilities to feed the greedy ones there will be no end of takers for the careerist dope and the opportunistic lure.

The only sure way to stop that is to remove the offensively undemocratic diversionary excuse that has been foisted on the people.

Why won’to Peter Golds have the courage to admit that and join us?

Or is he somehow too set in his prejudices to join with us? Would he RATHER let the remaining pretensions of democracy in Tower Hamlets slide out of all recognition than come onboard on the active and the pro-democratic movement that we have been running since 06 February 2010 on this front?

© Muhammad Haque

Honorary Organiser


The CAMPAIGN against an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets

1400 Hrs GMT Wednesday 03 August 2011

East End: ordinary people set to be pushed into even harsher hardship by Ed Miliband and Ed Balls than we are already doing under CON CONDEM cons

1225 [1200] [1130] Hrs GMT
Sunday 15 January 2012.

AADHIKAROnline commentary: Editor © Muhammad Haque

The “leader” of the former Labour Party in the UK

Ed Miliband continues to back the ruling CONDEM Collusion’s cuts and further poverty-creation, homelessness and destitution programme aimed at the inner cities where, ironically, the majority of MPs “belonging” to the former Labour Party owe their “elected legitimacy”. ...
Miliband comes out as the cuts-backing, Right-winger that he always has been.
The impact of the exposure of Ed Miliband as another backer of Tory agenda occupying the lead spot in the former Labour Party is already being felt in the inner cities.
In Tower Hamlets, the Miliband brothers have enjoyed persistent platforms given to them by locally-sited self-serving opportunists.
There is no sign locally in Tower Hamlets of any discernible let alone consistently manifest opposition by the "elected" post-holders in the name of the local people in and of Tower Hamlets. Yet some of these very same locally-elected post-holders are the only ones being given space by the ethnncity-0linekd propaganda outlets to utter scripted spiels interned to make them come across as the opposite of the cuts-backing Miliband band!
The situation in inner city England is being made far worse by the betrayal of the “locally-elected” post-holders mostly either aligned to the Miliband band or engaged in reconnecting themselves with the bureaucracy in the former Labour Party.
No local democracy. No local say. Mostly local denial, local deprivation and local discontent brewing.
Ed Miliband’s initial “promise” that his “leadership” would “reconnect” with the people has been exposed as another sham promise, another plastic platitude, and another untruth. Another wanton and outrageous lie..
The former Labour party’s dominant bureaucracy is as corrupt or as tolerant of corruption now as it was under Tony Bliar.
Cherie Blair being fingered as a ferocious capitalist bent on aiding and abetting the remainder of the NHS as she [Cherie] carries on her business with a “former” GW Bush Republican Party strategist], the scene is set for even more outrageous confessions by the many “stars” of the former Labour Party in “power”. The people can only get poorer.
The poorer the people the poorer they are going to be made in England by the corrupt agenda being carried out by the careerist occupants in posts on the so-called Opposition benches in the UK elected House of Parliament.
Local Councils in all the affected areas are being operated by faceless clerks doing the cuts while the faces of the elected councillors are being covered up by rising denials, silences and complicit frames of frozen, cruelly disguised and mock smiles.
[To be continued]

Ed Miliband continues backing Con cuts and more poverty-creation, homelessness and destitution

1200 [1130] Hrs GMT London Sunday 15 January 2012-01-15

AADHIKAROnline commentary:

Editor © Muhammad Haque

Miliband continues to back CON cuts and further poverty-creation, homelessness and destitution...Miliband comes out as the cuts-backing, Right-winger that he always has been. The impact of the exposure of Ed Miliband as another backer of Tory agenda occupying the lead spot in the former Labour Party is already being felt in the inner cities. In Tower Hamlets, the Miliband brothers have enjoyed persistent platforms given to them by locally-sited self-serving opportunists. There is no sign locally in Tower Hamlets of any discernible let alone consistently manifest opposition by the "elected" post-holders in the name of the local people in and of Tower Hamlets.

Yet some of these very same locally-elected post-holders are the only ones being given space by the ethnncity-0linekd propaganda outlets to utter scripted spiels interned to make them come across as the opposite of the cuts-backing Miliband band!

The situation in inner city England is being made far worse by the betrayal of the “locally-elected” post-holders mostly either aligned to the Miliband band or engaged in reconnecting themselves with the bureaucracy in the former Labour Party.

No local democracy.

No local say.

Mostly local denial, local deprivation and local discontent brewing.

Ed Miliband’s initial “promise” that his “leadership” would “reconnect” with the people has been exposed as another sham promise, another plastic platitude, and another untruth. Another wanton and outrageous lie..

The former Labour party’s dominant bureaucracy is as corrupt or as tolerant of corruption now as it was under Tony Bliar.

Cherie Blair being fingered as a ferocious capitalist bent on aiding and abetting the remainder of the NHS as she [Cherie] carries on her business with a “former” GW Bush Republican Party strategist], the scene is set for even more outrageous confessions by the many “stars” of the former Labour Party in “power”.

The people can only get poorer. The poorer the people the poorer they are going to be made in England by the corrupt agenda being carried out by the careerist occupants in posts on the so-called Opposition benches in the UK elected House of Parliament.

Local Councils in all the affected areas are being operated by faceless clerks doing the cuts while the faces of the elected councillors are being covered up by rising denials, silences and complicit frames of frozen, cruelly disguised and mock smiles.

[To be continued]

From the BBC web site London Sunday 15 January 2012:

Miliband defends backing public sector pay freeze

Ed Miliband Ed Miliband said it was 'right that we say we've got to prioritise employment'

Related Stories

Labour leader Ed Miliband has defended his party's decision to support the government's pay freeze for public sector workers.

He said it was "a hard choice", but when faced with either protecting jobs or giving pay rises, it was "absolutely right to prioritise employment".

Unions have criticised the move, accusing Labour of "emulating the Tories on many issues".

But Mr Miliband told the BBC his party had to show it was "fiscally credible".

The government announced in 2010 that public sector pay for those earning more than £21,000 would be frozen for two years.

Then last November Chancellor George Osborne said pay would rise by only 1% in the two years to 2015.

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls said on Saturday that "given the economy failing as it is... pay restraint is going to have to continue".


In a wide-ranging interview with the BBC's Andrew Marr programme, Mr Miliband defended the stance.

Start Quote

We are absolutely determined that Labour shows we would be fiscally credible in government”

Ed Miliband

"It's a hard choice, but when you are faced with the choice between protecting jobs or saying the money should go into pay rises I think it's right to protect jobs," he said.

"In the end there's no easy choices in government... I think is absolutely right that we say we've got to prioritise employment."

Several Labour MPs have reportedly criticised the move, among them Austin Mitchell. According to the Daily Mail he has called it "barmy" and accused Mr Miliband of "weakness".

Mr Miliband said Mr Mitchell was "wrong", adding: "We are absolutely determined that Labour shows we would be fiscally credible in government."

PCS union leader Mark Serwotka said Mr Balls' comments were "hugely disappointing" and accused Labour of failing to stand up for "ordinary people".

The general secretary of the RMT rail union said Mr Balls was signing "Labour's electoral suicide note".

Neither the PCS or RMT are affiliated to the Labour Party.

'Responsible opposition'

In a speech earlier this week, Mr Miliband said a future Labour government would have less to spend than those in the past, but could still "deliver fairness".

He told Andrew Marr: "If Labour was in power now we wouldn't be making those changes, we wouldn't be cutting as far and as fast as the government.

Start Quote

They can't be hugely critical of the government one day and then say they'd have the same policy the next”

Simon Hughes Lib Dem deputy leader

"But then when it comes to the next Labour government, if I was saying to you, 'I can absolutely promise to restore this cut or that cut,' well, you would say, 'Where is the money going to come from for that? How do you know what you will inherit?'

"This is absolutely responsible opposition and it is absolutely the right thing for us to be doing at this stage in the Parliament."

Mr Miliband again brushed off criticism of his leadership, saying: "This is part of the gig of being leader of the opposition.

"You always listen to the criticism, but I know my own mind. We are changing the Labour Party and the process of change is always hard won."

He insisted that David Cameron was "coming on to my ground" on issues like taking on vested interests and "crony capitalism".

"What gives me confidence is that we are winning the battle of ideas. It's not often you say that about an opposition," he said.

"Why is he coming on to my ground? Because he knows I'm talking about the right issues and the issues that matter to people.

"That's what gives me confidence."

'Great damage'

But Foreign Secretary William Hague said that if the government adopted Mr Miliband's approach, the UK's credit rating would be "in danger".

"That could then mean higher interest rates for businesses for households and can do great damage to the economy," he told Sky News.

Mr Hague was speaking after France's top credit rating - so-called triple A - was downgraded by agency Standard and Poor's.

The deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, Simon Hughes, said it was time that Labour came to its senses, but argued that it would not gain them any electoral advantage.

He added: "They can't have it both ways. They can't be hugely critical of the government one day and then say they'd have the same policy the next."

The two Eds head for disaster as they come out as stooges to the Tories [3]

from the DAILY MAIL/Mail on Sunday web site: Dated Saturday 14 January 2012.

Labour MPs revolt against 'Barmy Ed' and 'Weak Ed' for caving in to Tory agenda

  • Bookies say Ed Miliband is odds-on to step down as Labour leader before next general election

By Brendan Carlin

Last updated at 10:21 PM on 14th January 2012

Embattled Ed Miliband was told by Labour MPs last night to stop copying David Cameron and start showing some leadership of his own.

The Labour leader sparked a furious backlash after the party abandoned opposition to the Coalition’s public-sector pay freeze and refused to reverse cuts.

The U-turn was unveiled by Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls, who insisted the party had to set a ‘credible’ alternative to the Coalition and be ‘honest with the British people’.

Under fire: Labour leader Ed Miliband and Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls have both been accused of 'dancing to the Tory tune'

Under fire: Labour leader Ed Miliband and Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls have both been accused of 'dancing to the Tory tune'

But Labour MPs accused the two Eds of caving into the Tory agenda.
Labour veteran Austin Mitchell attacked ‘barmy’ Mr Balls’s cuts somersaults and also lambasted ‘weak’ Mr Miliband.

He told The Mail on Sunday: ‘This is a desperate attempt to get respectability but it’s barmy. Miliband is acting out of weakness. We are not the Government and we will get nowhere by going around wearing a hair shirt like this.’

Fellow Labour MP John Mann accused the party leadership of ‘signing up to Plan A on the economy – the Tory agenda’.

Rachel Reeves is 14-1 to succeed Mr Miliband as Labour leader, according to bookmakers William Hill

Rachel Reeves is 14-1 to succeed Mr Miliband as Labour leader, according to bookmakers William Hill

And Blyth Valley MP Ronnie Campbell said: ‘The activists are livid. We are dancing to the Tory tune. We’ve been opposing their cuts, now we’re saying we agree with them. We don’t know whether we’re coming or going.’

Privately, some senior Labour MPs claim the policy volte-face has been forced on Mr Miliband by resurgent ‘Blairite’ MPs who have seized on the leader’s faltering poll ratings.

But last night, Mr Miliband shrugged off the criticism from his own side and said he was determined to lead the party into the next Election.

A senior aide said: ‘Ed is very focused. He knew this would be tough and he has chosen a hard course.

‘Cameron trailed Gordon Brown by a huge margin at one point – that is what happens in opposition.’

Mr Balls’s policy shift comes after mounting fears within the party high command that despite the stalling economic growth and rising jobless figures, Mr Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne are more trusted by voters on the economy than Labour.

In the dramatic shift during a speech yesterday to the Left-wing Fabian Society, the Shadow Chancellor said: ‘However difficult this is for me, we cannot make any commitments now that the next Labour Government will reverse tax rises or spending cuts.

'We don’t know how bad things will be on jobs, growth and the deficit.’

And in a statement which infuriated the party’s union backers, Mr Balls signalled the public-sector pay freeze was here to stay even if he attempted to blame that on Mr Osborne.

He said: ‘It is inevitable public-sector pay restraint will have to continue for longer in this Parliament. Labour cannot duck that reality. Jobs must be our priority before higher pay.’

But a senior Labour MP said: ‘First we say the Tories are choking off growth by slashing too deeply – and next we agree with them.’
Last night, Tory deputy chairman Michael Fallon said Labour was ‘totally confused’.

He said: ‘By U-turning and claiming cuts are now needed to deal with the debt crisis, Balls and Miliband look as if they’re conceding defeat.’


Bookmakers William Hill have now made Ed Miliband odds-on to step down as Labour leader before the next General Election, with rising star Chuka Umunna their second favourite to replace him.

Shadow Business Secretary Mr Umunna, 33, is now 6-1 to be the next Labour leader, behind Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, the 7-4 favourite.

Mr Umunna, dubbed the ‘British Obama’, is at the head of a new cadre of ambitious young MPs seen as the party’s future. Others include:

  • Rachel Reeves, 32, below, appointed to the Shadow Cabinet as a Treasury spokesman. She is 14-1 to succeed Mr Miliband.
  • John Woodcock, 33, a frontbench transport spokesman, has become one of Labour’s most effective new MPs.
  • Gloria De Piero, 39, the former TV correspondent, is a home affairs spokesman.
  • Tristram Hunt, 37, a high-profile television historian and one of the new faces of the party on political shows.

Read more:

Another London investigation exposes £8Million "administrative costs" claimed by Tony Blair's "company"

from the web site of the London DAILY TELEGRAPH media group:

Inside the intriguing world of Tony Blair Incorporated

It is easy to walk past the anonymous, Georgian townhouse in central London without giving it a second glance. But the five-storey building on Grosvenor Square, close to the American embassy, is home to a multi-million pound industry with tentacles that reach across the globe.

Inside the Georgian townhouse where Tony Blair Inc makes its millions
The Grosvenor Square headquarters of Tony Blair's myriad companies and charities. The former prime minister's extensive foreign travel means he is rarely there Photo: JANE MINGAY

The house acts as headquarters to Blair Inc, the unofficial name which Tony Blair’s activities have earned. It is from here that the former prime minister, among other things, makes his money.

Financial experts claim that his widespread portfolio of companies and properties have thrust him into the upper echelons of Britain’s super-rich. His fortune – hard to judge because of the secrecy that surrounds his various enterprises – could now be in the millions of pounds, possibly enough to push his name for the first time on to Britain’s unofficial rich list. Mr Blair, who with his wife Cherie owns seven properties, is probably among the 2,000 wealthiest people in Britain.

One City accountant, who has examined Mr Blair’s companies’ accounts, said: “His total wealth is difficult to know but I would estimate it is in the range of £30 million to £40 million.”

Mr Blair’s spokesman denies the former prime minister’s wealth is “anything remotely approaching” that amount.

Inside the Grosvenor Square house and spread across its floors are two companies, two charities and Mr Blair’s private office.

In all, about 100 people are based there, although insiders say it is often much quieter because so many of his staff, among them several former Downing Street aides, are travelling at any one time. The offices, once the home of John Adams, the second US president who established the first American mission in London, are rented at a cost of £550,000 a year on a 10-year lease. They cover almost 6,000 sq ft.

Mr Blair is rarely present, turning up perhaps once a month. An analysis by The Sunday Telegraph of his travels, garnered from published sources, shows that in 12 months Mr Blair made 61 trips abroad totalling almost 224,000 miles – the equivalent of travelling to the moon.

A rough calculation suggests Mr Blair, who launched the charity Breaking the Climate Deadlock to combat global warming, has racked up 58 tons of CO₂ emissions in a year through jet travel alone. That’s about 30 times that of the average British adult.

Mr Blair may have travelled far more than that but these are the trips we know about. He is reckoned to spend as little as two months a year in the UK.

The trips, from April 1 2010 to March 31 last year, included frequent visits to Jerusalem, where he is a Middle East peace envoy; and to Africa, where his charities do much of their work. The US and China were also popular destinations. The trips occasionally appear to mingle business, philanthropy and pleasure.

In the summer of 2010 he gave a speech in Shanghai before taking a family holiday with his wife and children in China. There is no mention of the speech on any of his charity’s websites, suggesting he may have been paid for it.

In the space of two days he visited Nigeria’s president Goodluck Jonathan in his capacity as paid adviser to JP Morgan, the US investment bank, and followed that with a faith foundation visit to nearby Sierra Leone. On the Nigerian leg of the journey, Mr Blair was accompanied by the bank’s chief executive, Jamie Dimon, who announced plans for a new office in Lagos.

In that time, up until March 31 last year, Mr Blair’s management company Windrush Ventures Limited – established to administer “all the various things he does in the world” – was paid £12 million and made profits of more than £1 million. The company’s tax bill was £315,000.

As The Sunday Telegraph disclosed last week, the tax bill was low because administrative costs of almost £11 million, were offset against the company’s income. About £3 million in expenses went on paying Windrush Venture Ltd’s 26 staff and on office and equipment costs. That leaves about £8 million of expenses, which City accountants, who scrutinised the accounts could not explain.

There are suggestions that at least some of that £8 million could in part be travelling expenses for Mr Blair and his entourage.

Certainly two insiders, who have signed confidentiality agreements and therefore cannot talk openly about their experiences at Grosvenor Square, say not just Mr Blair but many of the staff were often away on foreign travel.

“They spent an incredible amount of expenses on travel. It was absolutely ridiculous,” said one source. The source suggested that Mr Blair rarely, if ever, travelled by commercial airline, flying almost always by private jet. In the past, he has flown in private planes paid for by regimes of Col Muammar Gaddafi and Rwanda’s president Paul Kagame, who is accused of human rights abuses.

Mr Blair is under no obligation to explain how the £8 million was spent and there is no suggestion the accounts, audited by KPMG, are anything other than completely legitimate.

Mr Blair, 58, denies that he is motivated by money, pointing out that two thirds of his time is spent on “pro bono activity”. It is a view backed up by his friends and colleagues. “If he wanted to become a billionaire he could have done so,” insisted a friend. “He has not set out to make money; he has set out to achieve a meaningful public role.

“He doesn’t run anything in a shipshape way like a businessman would. He likes employing far more people than a businessman would and that is why his profits are low and his tax is low.”

On the top floor of Mr Blair’s HQ is the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, run by his former Downing Street gatekeeper Ruth Turner. In the basement is another of his charities, the Africa Governance Initiative (AGI), whose chief executive is Kate Gross, a former private secretary to Mr Blair at No 10.

In between the top and the bottom floors are the offices where Mr Blair makes his money. His personal study, which he is rarely in, is on the first floor. His private office is described by one insider, as “minimalist and modern but certainly not flash”.

Mr Blair’s closest aides, including Catherine Rimmer, his strategic director, and Matthew Doyle, his political director, both of whom worked in Downing Street, also have offices on the first floor.

The floor above houses staff running The Office of Tony Blair. Anthony Measures, who helped to research Mr Blair’s bestselling memoir A Journey, also had a desk there while the book was being written. Windrush Ventures, whose accounts were filed just before the start of the year, providing a rare glimpse into Mr Blair’s company finances, is described as a trading name for The Office of Tony Blair.

Also on the second floor, in a separate annexe, according to sources, is Mr Blair’s private consulting company, Tony Blair Associates (TBA). The company has a contract with, among others, Kuwait to provide the country with advice on how to govern itself.

A Kuwaiti source has claimed that Mr Blair’s firm stands to earn more than 12 million dinars, equivalent to £27 million, over the course of the contract’s lifetime.

Mr Blair’s spokesman has described those claims as exaggerated.

As far as The Sunday Telegraph is aware, there is no published record of just how much Mr Blair is earning through Tony Blair Associates, which is run with the assistance of Jonathan Powell, Mr Blair’s former chief of staff.

TBA’s trading name is thought to be Firerush Ventures, a web of companies which appears to run in parallel to Windrush Ventures. Firerush Ventures is registered with the Financial Services Authority.

Both Windrush and Firerush have similar structures consisting of a complicated web of companies, limited liability partnerships and limited partnerships, which hide details of Mr Blair’s affairs from public scrutiny.

The structures are said by tax accountants to be commonplace for companies run by high net-worth individuals.

In an open letter last week railing against last week’s disclosures in The Sunday Telegraph, Mr Blair’s spokesman wrote that Mr Blair is a “50 per cent top rate taxpayer and his businesses pay full UK corporation tax”, before adding: “He also supports, from his earnings, the charities he has established as well as making other donations. There are more than 120 people working on all his activities around the world. He actually spends the majority of his time on unpaid pro bono work in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere.”

Mr Blair’s spokesman, despite repeated requests, has refused to detail how the £8 million of expenses was spent but has said that “travel is a significant cost as is having staff overseas”.