Sunday 15 January 2012

We the Movement defending the ordinary people of the East End TOLD you so! Mobilise and hold the post-holders to account

We the Movement defending the ordinary people of the East End TOLD you so! Mobilise and hold the post-holders to account:

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

BHANGEELAAR! challenging Tower Hamlets Council Tories to show that they really do care for a democratic borough:


The CAMPAIGN against an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets

What should Peter Golds do now, realistically speaking? If he truly believes in the imperative that his regular pokes at the Council's bureaucracy suggests then we think that he really should join us and we can together progress the movement that can then expose the abusers now abusing our resources and our democratic rights in the Borough.

Peter Golds can do what we have been asking him since before October 2010 to do: openly and sustainably and reliably back our call for the full audit and the scrutiny of the sham referendum dated 06 May 2010.

We have called for an examination of the role that “Dr” Kevan Collins played in that corrupting charade of the ‘referendum’. As strategy, Peter Golds has been in fantasy land on the issue and, as the latest ‘defection’ from the Isle of Dogs area confirms, he is doomed to wither away as far as numbers go. Numbers of ‘elected councillors on Tower Hamlets Council’ that is.

So long as there is a cesspit of greed available with access to public facilities to feed the greedy ones there will be no end of takers for the careerist dope and the opportunistic lure.

The only sure way to stop that is to remove the offensively undemocratic diversionary excuse that has been foisted on the people.

Why won’to Peter Golds have the courage to admit that and join us?

Or is he somehow too set in his prejudices to join with us? Would he RATHER let the remaining pretensions of democracy in Tower Hamlets slide out of all recognition than come onboard on the active and the pro-democratic movement that we have been running since 06 February 2010 on this front?

© Muhammad Haque

Honorary Organiser


The CAMPAIGN against an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets

1400 Hrs GMT Wednesday 03 August 2011

THE ABOVE is an EXTENDED response to and comment n the statement by Peter Golds as published in the report on the EAST LONDON ADVERTISER's web site. Texts of that piece are reproduced below:

Mayor accused of wasting public money on attending bussinessman’s bash

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
6:23 PM

The mayor of Tower Hamlets is accused of wasting council cash by using a chauffeur driven limo to take him to a “non-essential” business venture.

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Lutfur Rahman has been criticised for using his taxpayer funded £72-a-day hire car, a Mercedes E Class, plus a town hall driver to attend the launch of a restaurant’s cricket bash on July 11.

Mr Rahman attended the event – the Mayor’s Cup T20 Cricket - for the Clifton Group’s new national tournament.

But Tory opposition leader Peter Golds argued the event is a commercial venture and said council money should not be used to promote it.

He said: “Taking council staff from public duties, so they can sit in a limousine is hardly undertaking essential work of the borough.

“Mayor Rahman needs to draw a distinction between public duty and exhibitionism.”

A council spokesperson said: “The Mayor was invited to a community event and attended, as he would with any other positive community event that he is able to attend.”

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· Shouldn't Peter Golds recognise reality and join our campaign to restore a democratic and accountable elected Council structure in Tower Hamlets? 1334 GMT Weds 03 August 2011

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BHANGEELAAR! challenging Tower Hamlets Council Tories to show that they really do care for a democratic borough:


The CAMPAIGN against an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets

What should Peter Golds do now, realistically speaking? If he truly believes in the imperative that his regular pokes at the Council's bureaucracy suggests then we think that he really should join us and we can together progress the movement that can then expose the abusers now abusing our resources and our democratic rights in the Borough.

Peter Golds can do what we have been asking him since before October 2010 to do: openly and sustainably and reliably back our call for the full audit and the scrutiny of the sham referendum dated 06 May 2010.

We have called for an examination of the role that “Dr” Kevan Collins played in that corrupting charade of the ‘referendum’. As strategy, Peter Golds has been in fantasy land on the issue and, as the latest ‘defection’ from the Isle of Dogs area confirms, he is doomed to wither away as far as numbers go. Numbers of ‘elected councillors on Tower Hamlets Council’ that is.

So long as there is a cesspit of greed available with access to public facilities to feed the greedy ones there will be no end of takers for the careerist dope and the opportunistic lure.

The only sure way to stop that is to remove the offensively undemocratic diversionary excuse that has been foisted on the people.

Why won’to Peter Golds have the courage to admit that and join us?

Or is he somehow too set in his prejudices to join with us? Would he RATHER let the remaining pretensions of democracy in Tower Hamlets slide out of all recognition than come onboard on the active and the pro-democratic movement that we have been running since 06 February 2010 on this front?

© Muhammad Haque

Honorary Organiser


The CAMPAIGN against an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets

1400 Hrs GMT Wednesday 03 August 2011

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