Sunday 15 January 2012

East End: ordinary people set to be pushed into even harsher hardship by Ed Miliband and Ed Balls than we are already doing under CON CONDEM cons

1225 [1200] [1130] Hrs GMT
Sunday 15 January 2012.

AADHIKAROnline commentary: Editor © Muhammad Haque

The “leader” of the former Labour Party in the UK

Ed Miliband continues to back the ruling CONDEM Collusion’s cuts and further poverty-creation, homelessness and destitution programme aimed at the inner cities where, ironically, the majority of MPs “belonging” to the former Labour Party owe their “elected legitimacy”. ...
Miliband comes out as the cuts-backing, Right-winger that he always has been.
The impact of the exposure of Ed Miliband as another backer of Tory agenda occupying the lead spot in the former Labour Party is already being felt in the inner cities.
In Tower Hamlets, the Miliband brothers have enjoyed persistent platforms given to them by locally-sited self-serving opportunists.
There is no sign locally in Tower Hamlets of any discernible let alone consistently manifest opposition by the "elected" post-holders in the name of the local people in and of Tower Hamlets. Yet some of these very same locally-elected post-holders are the only ones being given space by the ethnncity-0linekd propaganda outlets to utter scripted spiels interned to make them come across as the opposite of the cuts-backing Miliband band!
The situation in inner city England is being made far worse by the betrayal of the “locally-elected” post-holders mostly either aligned to the Miliband band or engaged in reconnecting themselves with the bureaucracy in the former Labour Party.
No local democracy. No local say. Mostly local denial, local deprivation and local discontent brewing.
Ed Miliband’s initial “promise” that his “leadership” would “reconnect” with the people has been exposed as another sham promise, another plastic platitude, and another untruth. Another wanton and outrageous lie..
The former Labour party’s dominant bureaucracy is as corrupt or as tolerant of corruption now as it was under Tony Bliar.
Cherie Blair being fingered as a ferocious capitalist bent on aiding and abetting the remainder of the NHS as she [Cherie] carries on her business with a “former” GW Bush Republican Party strategist], the scene is set for even more outrageous confessions by the many “stars” of the former Labour Party in “power”. The people can only get poorer.
The poorer the people the poorer they are going to be made in England by the corrupt agenda being carried out by the careerist occupants in posts on the so-called Opposition benches in the UK elected House of Parliament.
Local Councils in all the affected areas are being operated by faceless clerks doing the cuts while the faces of the elected councillors are being covered up by rising denials, silences and complicit frames of frozen, cruelly disguised and mock smiles.
[To be continued]

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