Sunday 15 January 2012

Dire doings being attributed again to "East London" [Hackney] "MP", another "Shadow" "Minister"

Dire doings being attributed again to "East London" [Hackney] "MP", another "Shadow" "Minister"

Editor © Muhammad Haque

1725 Hrs GMT
15 January 2012

This DAILY MAIL MEDIA GROUP report may have been a scripted one. But Ms Abbott wasn’t to know that! Or was she?

How is it that the DAILY MAIL keeps promoting Diane Abbott as not only a complete representative of the “black” community but also as one who is anti the white people?
Is it enough to quote Abbott’s tweet that said words to the effect that "white people liked to play divide and rule"?
Or should Diane Abbott’s record since her ouster [under the guidance of ethnicity-exploiting bureaucracies and blocks installed in the former Labour Party and the former Labour Movement] of poor Ernie Roberts as the constituency MP be treated as a more reliable guide to determine exactly what she has been doing on the “race and ethnicity” front?

[To be continued]

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