Sunday 15 January 2012

The two Eds head for disaster as they come out as stooges to the Tories [3]

from the DAILY MAIL/Mail on Sunday web site: Dated Saturday 14 January 2012.

Labour MPs revolt against 'Barmy Ed' and 'Weak Ed' for caving in to Tory agenda

  • Bookies say Ed Miliband is odds-on to step down as Labour leader before next general election

By Brendan Carlin

Last updated at 10:21 PM on 14th January 2012

Embattled Ed Miliband was told by Labour MPs last night to stop copying David Cameron and start showing some leadership of his own.

The Labour leader sparked a furious backlash after the party abandoned opposition to the Coalition’s public-sector pay freeze and refused to reverse cuts.

The U-turn was unveiled by Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls, who insisted the party had to set a ‘credible’ alternative to the Coalition and be ‘honest with the British people’.

Under fire: Labour leader Ed Miliband and Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls have both been accused of 'dancing to the Tory tune'

Under fire: Labour leader Ed Miliband and Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls have both been accused of 'dancing to the Tory tune'

But Labour MPs accused the two Eds of caving into the Tory agenda.
Labour veteran Austin Mitchell attacked ‘barmy’ Mr Balls’s cuts somersaults and also lambasted ‘weak’ Mr Miliband.

He told The Mail on Sunday: ‘This is a desperate attempt to get respectability but it’s barmy. Miliband is acting out of weakness. We are not the Government and we will get nowhere by going around wearing a hair shirt like this.’

Fellow Labour MP John Mann accused the party leadership of ‘signing up to Plan A on the economy – the Tory agenda’.

Rachel Reeves is 14-1 to succeed Mr Miliband as Labour leader, according to bookmakers William Hill

Rachel Reeves is 14-1 to succeed Mr Miliband as Labour leader, according to bookmakers William Hill

And Blyth Valley MP Ronnie Campbell said: ‘The activists are livid. We are dancing to the Tory tune. We’ve been opposing their cuts, now we’re saying we agree with them. We don’t know whether we’re coming or going.’

Privately, some senior Labour MPs claim the policy volte-face has been forced on Mr Miliband by resurgent ‘Blairite’ MPs who have seized on the leader’s faltering poll ratings.

But last night, Mr Miliband shrugged off the criticism from his own side and said he was determined to lead the party into the next Election.

A senior aide said: ‘Ed is very focused. He knew this would be tough and he has chosen a hard course.

‘Cameron trailed Gordon Brown by a huge margin at one point – that is what happens in opposition.’

Mr Balls’s policy shift comes after mounting fears within the party high command that despite the stalling economic growth and rising jobless figures, Mr Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne are more trusted by voters on the economy than Labour.

In the dramatic shift during a speech yesterday to the Left-wing Fabian Society, the Shadow Chancellor said: ‘However difficult this is for me, we cannot make any commitments now that the next Labour Government will reverse tax rises or spending cuts.

'We don’t know how bad things will be on jobs, growth and the deficit.’

And in a statement which infuriated the party’s union backers, Mr Balls signalled the public-sector pay freeze was here to stay even if he attempted to blame that on Mr Osborne.

He said: ‘It is inevitable public-sector pay restraint will have to continue for longer in this Parliament. Labour cannot duck that reality. Jobs must be our priority before higher pay.’

But a senior Labour MP said: ‘First we say the Tories are choking off growth by slashing too deeply – and next we agree with them.’
Last night, Tory deputy chairman Michael Fallon said Labour was ‘totally confused’.

He said: ‘By U-turning and claiming cuts are now needed to deal with the debt crisis, Balls and Miliband look as if they’re conceding defeat.’


Bookmakers William Hill have now made Ed Miliband odds-on to step down as Labour leader before the next General Election, with rising star Chuka Umunna their second favourite to replace him.

Shadow Business Secretary Mr Umunna, 33, is now 6-1 to be the next Labour leader, behind Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, the 7-4 favourite.

Mr Umunna, dubbed the ‘British Obama’, is at the head of a new cadre of ambitious young MPs seen as the party’s future. Others include:

  • Rachel Reeves, 32, below, appointed to the Shadow Cabinet as a Treasury spokesman. She is 14-1 to succeed Mr Miliband.
  • John Woodcock, 33, a frontbench transport spokesman, has become one of Labour’s most effective new MPs.
  • Gloria De Piero, 39, the former TV correspondent, is a home affairs spokesman.
  • Tristram Hunt, 37, a high-profile television historian and one of the new faces of the party on political shows.

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