Monday 8 April 2013

MUHAMMAD HAQUE UPDATING LUTFUR RAHMAN on the crisis of racism in Tower Hamlets Council

MUHAMMAD HAQUE UPDATING LUTFUR RAHMAN on the crisis of racism in Tower Hamlets Council

MUHAMMAD HAQUE UPDATING LUTFUR RAHMAN on the crisis of racism in Tower Hamlets Council

Dear Lutfur Rahman,

I was wondering if this time you were going to put your name to a response to anything published in "Fleet Street".

I shall come back after I observe what happens to THIS short comment from me.

I am surprised that you make references to yourself as not being involved in anything "extreme".

Why am I surprised?

Because as you KNOW from the evidence that I have made available to the Council over the years that an agenda of racism is very much active in Tower Hamlets and that agenda is being carried out via the existing Council.

I shall give name, date and chapter and verse on the rest if anyone would like to deny this assertion that I am making.

I have published, on radio and on a number of occasions on TV programmes, my finding that Tower Hamlets Council has been failing to serve the local community as a whole and I have said this is due to the fact that the Council is not being held to democratic accountability.

What do I mean by this?

I said only a fortnight ago: that the elected Councillors- and that elected element includes you as well] - were free to hold the Council bureaucracy to account but were choosing [not to] or failing to do so.

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