Tuesday 9 April 2013

Margaret Thatcher: What forces had created this image of Political Violence on Society?

Margaret Thatcher: What forces had created this image of Political Violence on Society?

Margaret Thatcher: What forces had created this image of Political Violence on Society?

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary: Margaret Thatcher -
What forces had created this image of Political Violence on Society? [1]

0302 [0245] [0220] Hrs GMT London Tuesday 09 April 2013

 This front page [image above this Commentary] is of the British Communist Party Daily Morning Star’s front-page dated Tuesday 09 April 2013.

It is tame, misleading and the contents that go with it are even more misleading. In the following Commentary, I shall be examining the bankruptcy of the "British Left" in the context of the tool that the Neo Cons had invented in Maggie [Margaret Hilda Roberts] Thatcher. 

There is NO evidence that she had either the intellect or the depth of understanding or the dedication to “her work” [what WAS her work when compared to the destruction of the values and the assaults on Society that she was engaged in?] which are being attributed to her. 

She was being used as a strategically invented political tool, as one of the most effective Trojan horses, to coin a phrase, the real enemies of Society found in her and rammed it through under the guise of her APPEARANCES as a ‘woman...’ and all those ‘features’.... that the and the worst use from Society’s standpoint was being deliberately done by depicting her gender and the ‘fact’ of her being “a woman”. Of course she was a biological woman with all that that entailed. 

But politically, why was she being repeatedly cited as “a woman”?

 What message was being intended to be conveyed by that reference, that ‘identification’?

 If being “a woman” was supposed to show, amongst other qualifiers to that portrayal in that temporal and social, Economic and Political context, the non-violent, ethical, moral, compassionate, just view towards Society then she failed totally. 

She personified and coney the worst image of a woman in power: the image of a woman who was bent on attacking Society. How was that a good thing for Society? Or for humanity? 

Or for the world? 

Wasn’t she also the one who berated the other image, that of Nelson Mandela, still incarcerated in the Apartheid prison on that Island off the coasts of mainland South Africa and called him a terrorist without hesitation, remorse or regret? 

She did more damage to women than has yet been admitted. Isn’t it time to remember her interview in January 1978 on ITV that is still full of venom and hatred as based on ethnicity, race and racist intolerance? How are those being ‘tackled’ if they are being tacked at all? 

And is Ed Milibrand any ‘good’ at all at confronting the Thatcherite resurgence that the Neo Cons Collusion is embarked on now, as at 09 April 2013, with the aim of finishing off Society? Who had scripted that phrase that Margaret Thatcher mouthed to the effect that “there is [was] no such thing as Society”? 

As the footage has already been played, the Political Margaret Thatcher was an invention. 

Thought up by men some of whom are still around and are openly admitting to having played parts in the programme that manufactured her. 

To the point of coaching her to put across the “strategic” diction! 

As a ploy to fool the gullible public already prepared to receive the messages of poison and discord that she had been scripted to pledge to discourage [all those phrases about “St Francis of Assisi” etc that she had been tutored to mouth at the inception of her formal embarkation of Office] which would show that she was uttering an utter untruth on that pledge. 

[To be continued]

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