Tuesday 9 April 2013

Can Lutfur Rahman stop Tower Hamlets Council sinking beyond repair? The SPECTATOR magazine web site 'debates' [2]

Can Lutfur Rahman stop Tower Hamlets Council sinking beyond repair? The SPECTATOR 'debates' [2]

Can Lutfur Rahman stop Tower Hamlets Council sinking beyond repair? The SPECTATOR 'debates' [2]

SPECTATOR magazine web site, London UK

The 2nd COMMENT posted online by MUHAMMAD HAQUE this morning Tuesday 09 April 2013 sharing the CONCERNS about the dysfunctional bureaucracy [or clique of people in publicly paid posts and behaving irresponsibly, with callous disregard to the duties they owe to the people in the Community] that has been disregarding the Tower Hamlets Council.

the key thrust of this Second Comment is a wake up call to all those, including and in context typified by Lutfur Rahman as the “executive mayor”, who are in place following "elections", to take note and act before Tower hamlets Council is destroyed totally.

that destruction will be brought about by key decision-making Council-employees behaving wrongfully and illegally and doing so with the democratically elected post-holders failing or neglecting to hold these employees to account without any more delay.

In my initial comment on this piece

"Right to reply: Mayor Lutfur Rahman responds to Nick Cohen" 

I had said that Tower Hamlets Council was not being held to democratic accountability.

I had said that because that was true then and that remains true today, Tuesday 09 April 2013, a day that I am going to have to dedicate to finding out more evidence of why "my local Council" is failing the local community so abysmally.

There is no better place to start than by looking at the evidence of my own direct communications.

If we say that I have had to create in the past 30 months several thousand separate and originally researched and verified items of communications examining the behaviour of the various decision-makers in Tower Hamlets Council perhaps that will give a fairly representative idea of the detail of the evidence.

Based on that, I can share the findings here say that most of Tower Hamlets Council’s decision-making goes on without any democratic audit, accountability or oversight.

And that it is costing people affected by the adverse decisions dearly. And there is no known viable recourse for people who badly need redress but cannot find any.

Lutfur knows what I am talking about here.

As do at least five of his very closely active colleagues in “the cabinet” that he fronts. Over the past 30 months, I have had to communicate with him more times than I had ever imagined should have been necessary.

Why then was it necessary?

As I have already stated in a number of broadcast programmes on radio and on satellite TV, this has been done by a number of key decision-making employees in the Council who behave as if they do not have to abide by any laws or any constitutionality, let alone with any ethics or any sense of fairness.

Some of that was also hinted at and in a particular case extensively detailed by the MP Robert [Bob] Neil who spoke in a House of Commons debate he had been involved in calling for on 23 January 2013 about local Councils which debate featured Tower Hamlets as, in the context of that speech, one of the failing Councils in England and Wales.

On the evidence of my communications and clear concerns about the wrongful, illegal and unconstitutional behaviour of Tower Hamlets Council’s key decision-making employees, there is a serious dysfunction in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council.

And someone has got to democratically accountably and transparently and conclusively admit it and immediately start dealing with it in real terms.

As opposed to in making excuses, being in denial or worse in even suggesting that the evidence does not exist or that the Council’s critics are somehow making things up!

Otherwise the very existence of Tower Hamlets Council as “we have known it” will be exposed to serious and real threat!

That will in turn mean that the vast majority of people in one of England’s most deprived Boroughs will get even worse “service” than they have ben doing recently.

Which brings me to the little matter of the “mayor election” as scheduled for 2014.

Do those who claim to be set on replacing Lutfur Raman from his perch as the “elected executive mayor of Tower Hamlets Borough” have a programme?

I have not seen any that contains a programme for a really democratic accountability by the Council to the Community in Tower Hamlets Borough. This is what I call ground for raw discontent about the Council as a whole. This means the discontent is set to come in the direction of Lutfur Rahman faster and more forcefully than he appears to have realised so far.

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