Saturday 20 April 2013

London: East End, 'most deprived' "Council" colludes as City of London grabs the Borough land...

London: East End, 'most deprived' "Council" colludes as City of London grabs the Borough land...

London: East End, 'most deprived' "Council" colludes as City of London grabs the Borough land...

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary:

The "LOBBY" by about five or six persons that were photographed outside Tower Hamlets Council building on Wednesday was not really registered as a political event at all.


Here is my Report [3]

1025 [1015] [0955] [0925] [0855] Hrs GMT London Saturday 20 April 2013

INSIDE the "Council Chamber" ["full Council" meeting, a ritualistic absurdity that is staged in the Tower Hamlets Council which is no longer a Council with the democratic powers but is lumbered with a diversion from democratic accountability via the installation of a post called "Executive Mayor"], there were noisy utterances by individuals who are called "councillors".

But they did not make any campaigning noises at all.

Most of their noises, as far as I could see from where I was sitting, were performances of scripted items!

Those scripts were NOT devoted to accountability about the ordinary people out in the Community in the London borough of Tower Hamlets.

The scripts were about "the Council Administration" and their supposed opponents, which are made up of the [more numerous] Labour Party councillors and the smaller Conservative ones.

When the "leader" of the supposed Opposition [on the Labour Group, notionally speaking for The Opposition] Joshua Peck, spoke, he spoke about HIS personally-related issues.

Not about the Community.

Least of all about the Council's duties to the Community!

Not that I could hear or discern any manifest prominence given in his spiel to the reality of the Council's behaviour in delivering its duties to the Community out across the area called in context here the "London Borough of Tower Hamlets" [=LBTH]!

And the listed "petitions and the questions" from the supposed members of the Public, on this occasion [Wednesday 17 April 2013] at that sitting of the LBTH Council, were as far beyond my comprehension as they ever could be. Of course there were words that I could recognise.
Of course there phrases that I had heard before and some of those I could even understand.

But I could not hear any campaigning in anything that was presented in those presentations!
So Eileen Short will have to show me what I had missed in the two sets of presentations under

"Petitions" and "Questions".

I heard nothing about campaigning.

Nor did any of the "councillors" from any of the "sides" make any noise whilst I was there [until just before 10 PM when I left] that amounted to what I know to be a campaigning noise.

Far less did any of those make any Campaigning statement!

NOTHING that the "rival" title to the LBTH Council’s very own PR “pravda” the "East End Lies" has since [that meeting] published, about or after that "LBTH Council Meeting” shows that there was any campaign in that Tower Hamlets Council Chamber during that meeting.

Below is the latest piece on the web site of the that shows that IF ANYTHING, the most interesting and reportable events are happening OUTSIDE of that LBTH Council Meeting.

Such as the alleged abuse of the Council's resources and its Constitutional law position and remits by the CURRENT LBTH COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION

[To be continued]


Investigation launched into Tower Hamlets Mayor’s advisors’ ‘illegal election planning’

Robin de Peyer

Friday, April 19, 2013

2:56 PM

An investigation has been launched into the role of Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s team of taxpayer funded advisors, amid claims they are illegally planning his re-election campaign.

Mr Rahman recently used council reserves to almost double the budget for his office and advisors, to £750,000 for the current financial year. But leaked minutes of a meeting held last year have triggered allegations the Mayor’s team has been illegally using council facilities and staff for electoral and partisan political purposes – in contravention of the Localism Act.

The minutes reportedly showed council officers and advisors involved in preparing campaign literature for electoral wards and discussing setting up a bank account for election funding.

Opposition councillors from Labour and the Conservatives voted together this week to “appoint an independent investigator into this […] in order to identify all misuse of public funds by using council facilities and officers for political campaign activity.”

But Mr Rahman’s cabinet member for resources Cllr Alibor Choudhury defended the £300,000 increase in the budget for advisors and the Mayor’s office.

“Let me stress that our advisors play an important part in the delivery of council services and the Mayor’s priorities”, he said.

He has previously insisted the advisors represent “great value”.

A council spokesperson confirmed the investigation, but offered no further comment.

Mr Rahman will take on London Assembly Member John Biggs in what is expected to be a closely fought contest next year.

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