Monday 8 April 2013

Muhammad Haque diagnosing the morally compromised Ed Miliband who is letting Society down by capitulating to the Neo Cons Agenda against Society in Britain

Muhammad Haque diagnosing the morally compromised Ed Miliband

Muhammad Haque diagnosing the morally compromised Ed Miliband

THIS image has been taken from the SPECTATOR magazine’s web site this evening [Sunday 07 April 2013].
It is a grinning Liam Byrne, the morality-free, thought-free, compassion-free, ethics-free “shadow” to Iain Duncan Smith in the UK House of Commons. In that role, Byrne has proven the worst suspicions about him: he is unfit for the purpose.

Byrne is the one who had left that notorious, callous “note” apparently boasting “there is no money left” as they exited the offices of “power” following the 2010 general election . Byrne has proven since then that there is not on ly ‘no money lefty’ but that there is no brains left either.

The question is:
what on earth is this git doing faking it as the person speaking about Society as a “counter to the Neo Cons’ Assault that he has been complicit in every-time he has uttered anything on the situation?

Muhammad Haque diagnosing the morally compromised Ed Miliband who is letting Society down by capitulating to the Neo Cons Agenda against Society in Britain

The SPECTATOR magazine website Sunday 07 April 2013

Published on the SPECTATOR magazine’s ‘coffee house’ web site this evening [07 April 2013]

What Society needs is a comprehensive review of all the ills that successive sets of bureaucrats operating the corrupting and the unfair agenda of Big Business have heaped on Society to the point where the very idea of Society is now in danger.

Has Ed Miliband got that perspective?

Or is he too morally compromised to dare to confront the Neo Cons at their own game?

If the utterances strategically unleashed via the Neo Cons Media operations during the weekend is any guide, Miliband will fail to tell the truth on  Society.

But I am quite prepared for him to try to prove my findings on him wrong!

THE above COMMENT is accessible at

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