Sunday 7 April 2013

EXPOSING the Neo Cons' lies, envy and falsehood against the Poor, against Society: We also exposed BBC politics man John Pienaar as an ill-informed, ignorant git

EXPOSING the Neo Cons' lies, envy and falsehood against the Poor, against Society: We also exposed BBC politics man John Pienaar as an ill-informed, ignorant git

The main COMMENT below the image, is from the GUARDIAN web site. That Comment, by Ethicaliser, takes to task the self-serving opportunist Harriet Harman for her own stupidity, crassness and lack of compassion.

BBC enters the fray and is exposed as being ill-briefed on key facts: John Pie Naar!

BBC enters the fray and is exposed as being ill-briefed on key facts: John Pie Naar!

OUR Image, an AADHIKAR Diagnostic Montage on the BBC today, shows John Pienaar and some of his 'guests' on the programme that he had misleadingly announced on twitter would have George Osborne as a guest. Osborne was NOT a guest.

Osborne was interviewed on a pre-recorded items

But the BBC Radio 5Live's John Pienaar was not the only ignorant one today. Earlier, Eddie Mair, who got stratospheric PLUGS over his encounter with the 'nasty piece of work' Boris JohnsonJohnson last week, was all oozing with accommodation when he was presented with the guest Harriet Harman.

Harman is a long documented self-seeking careerist who has abused the weakness of the Bliared Party structure to enhance herself over decades.

Eddie Mair on BBC TV this morning failed miserably to pin the heartless, cruel, opportunist Harman to the facts.

Here, then, is a short expose of the shallow foundation on which Harman pitched her own careerist liens via the BBC.

We shall publish other diagnostic items here in this series on what has been said and done during this POLITICAL WEEKEND.

We start with the Guardian web site which has given Harman a splash on that plug for the Cruel Harriet Harman via the BBC
The following COMMENT by “Ethicaliser” was posted on the Guardian website [at 1835 GMT today Sunday 07 April 2013] has been retrieved at appx 1950 GMT London Sunday 07 April 2013.

We publish it after making a few, very minor spelling and grammatical corrections

If your [shown as being published by “the OBSERVER” on the web site] report is an accurate account of Harriet Harman’s utterance then of course she is even more unfit for purpose than she had showed in the secure career that she has mysteriously enjoyed in the name of the “Labour Party”.

Harriet Harman is not a social scientist.

Nor is she known for making ethics or morality the key purpose of her career.

She is wrong to say what she has said because it is untrue.

Worse, she is inciting resentment as she is basing her ‘arguments’ on envy.

Envy [of] the haves against the have-nots.

This is too far from reasoned debate based on hard evidence.

If the pollsters asked a reactionary question, most people wold give a reactionary answer.

It is all hype.

If Harman is “representing” Ed Miliband in this then of course the analysis must be that it is a bankrupt Party.

The truth is the actual sums paid to Big Banks.

Bring those figures out.

Analyse those.

Divide the sums by the numbers of the recipients. Compare those with the incomes or the earnings of individual workers on the factory floor.

Bring out the statists on actual jobs that manual workers, others in the lower floors do and show their wages.
Constituency by Parliamentary Constituency.
Local Authority by Local Authority.

Industry by Industry.

Show the figures on what is paid to what sort of claimant in benefits.
Show what means testing is.

Show what Housing g benefits are.

Show the crime statistic and describe all the capital offences.

Correlate the crimes and the offences with the actual social backgrounds of the offenders the perpetrators.

Show how many “benefit claimants” there are

Show how many benefit claimants there are.

Show how many benefit are illegally denied.

Show many are legally owed but are held back from claimants.
Show the figures on evictions.

How many illegal eviction have taken place every year for the past decade and more.

And the figures must continue until the full facts are exhaustively shown.

Otherwise, the campaign is very seriously flawed as it is based on rumour, gossip and envy by the rich of the poor!

Now that UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has joined the assault on Society, let us bring in the External activities in the Budget as well.
Show the figures for the UK expenditure in the involvement with war on Iraq, the occupation of Afghanistan.

And the full Expenditures on everything.....

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