Friday 5 April 2013

Khoodeelaar! emphatically REJECTING the dire state of Local London where Councils are letting the local communities down. As Exposed again by Camden Council capitulating to HS2

KHOODEELAAR! Diagnosing, saying No to London Local Councils’ letting down local people, lying to them, betraying them, failing to stand up for their rights…..

No to HS2. No to Camden Council capitulation to Big Biz Neo Cons occupiers, profiteers…

No to HS2. No to Camden Council capitulation to Big Biz Neo Cons occupiers, profiteers...
KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Commentary: NO to “Camden Council Clique’s Complicity with HS2!”
By © Muhammad Haque.
2035 [2020] [1855] [1820] Hrs GMT London Friday 05 April 2013.
Camden Needs a No to HS2 Campaign. Now!
CAMDEN Council confirm what KHOODEELAAR! has said all along:
they are another bunch of liars! Today, they have lied all four ways. They are against HS2. They are for HS2. They are for legal action. They are for a compromise with the Big Liars.
They have let the local people down.
The local people too have been hijacked by all manner of careerists, time-servers and even, like a “Ms” Sommers who made appearances before the TV news cameras, “patriots”.
No wonder that Big Biz thieves keep on robbing and looting the resources that belong to Society.
HS2-peddling PR operatives have been promising everything to all their target areas which they want to take over, destroy and appropriate.
This is a classic ploy that greedy, selfish and corrupt profiteers and violators of Society do. This is what they have done for hundreds of years.
This is what has been featured in the “UK nation-wide news bulletins during the day today, Friday 05 April 203 when another clutch of the Big Bank Robbers, costing ‘the public’ in excess of £40 Billion, has been exposed and also at the same time exonerated’.
While their colluders, complicit in their Capitalist Class warrior, neo-Conservative warfare against Society, have maintained their onslaught against the Victims of the Big Biz Agenda-pushing thieves: G Osborne has failed to apologise for his LATEST outrageous, despicable behaviour against the “little people”! [the ‘notion’ of the ‘little people’, shown in the context of HS2 capitulation by Camden, the London Borough Councillors and their colluders at the expense of the local community’ - as broadcast in bits on the ‘BBC London News’ bulletin 1730 GMT today, Friday 05 April 2013]
The problem for the people in the Camden Borough Council areas targeted by HS2 Agenda is that they have got got a single campaign with the resolve to “Say NO to HS2”.
They should do.
Even now, it isn’t too late.
[To be continued]

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