Saturday 16 February 2013

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Diagnosis and Commentary: “Tower Hamlets Council in a state of bureaucratic and administrative dysfunction” “Discuss” !

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Diagnosis and Commentary:
“Tower Hamlets Council in a state of bureaucratic and administrative dysfunction” “Discuss” !  

0758 Hrs GMT
16 February 2013

We [AADHIKAR Media, AADHIKAROnline, KHOODEELAAR!  CBRUK, Kay Jordan Foundation,. All Volunteers News and 40 plus associated initiatives and action groups defending the East End of London] SAID in  March 2012: 
"Tower Hamlets Council is in crisis!"
And in the YEAR that has followed, we  stated and elaborated on an updated that Manifesto!
We are the only publication online and in print to have said this.
In all that time, every single day, we have witnessed the behaviour of certain Fleet Street-linked "writers" who have apparently reported on the "goings-on" in Tower Hamlets
That Manifesto has just got reinforced and factually evidentially empirically updated just a few minutes ago, at about 0730 Hrs GMT this morning Saturday 16 February 2013 in the Whitechapel Road ‘market’ where a vegetable stall-holder called out to your reporter and wanted to chat.
The chat began with a reference to one of the two ‘Respect’ councillors on the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council.
That the RESPECT councillors were not making any waves on the present Tower Hamlets Council was made very clear.
But the stallholder then said that the same could be said of the ‘others’ and that included the ‘MPs’ and all that!
A very clear portrayal that early in the morning.
A Portrayal that accurately reflects our own diagnostic reports over the past year.
This morning, the task has gotten even more emphatic, given the DAILY TELEGRAPH has allowed yet another
piece to be carried by Andrew Gilligan about Tower Hamlets Council
[To be continued]

[The bits below are from our publication in March 2012]

IN THE COMING weeks we shall publish the Manifesto for a Tower Hamlets Council that is fit for purpose to meet the legitimate needs of the local community.
Here [below] are the contextual updates and campaigning introductions as we mark the 7th year since the first KHOODEELAAR! Manifesto of December 2005: 
The Campaign agenda of KHOODEELAAR! No to “All attacks on the community typified and pronounced in the Crossrail hole agenda” has ALSO meant the demand for the legitimate recognition of the community in  Tower Hamlets [made up of ordinary people] by the “legitimately established democratically verified” institutions.
Six years on from that Khoodeelaar! demo against the Crossrail hole-inviting role of the Tower Hamlets, have those who have made careers by the “claiming identity with” KHOODEELAAR! during that period and in the pre-Council election weeks” in 2006 acted properly SINCE THEN have they behaved accountably and selflessly? 
Have they delivered to the community in Tower Hamlets as a whole, as opposed to operating in collusion with and as de facto parts of the agendas of the unaccountable and publicly illegitimate and ill-identified  outfits, tendencies and groupings and interests?
Have they made the community proud or have they scandalised and let the community down?”


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