Wednesday 5 December 2012

"Bengali" "Seelotee" Channel BANS callers from speaking Bangla or Seelotee! "Gourober Beejoy" ! [2]

"Bengali" "Seelotee" Channel BANS callers from speaking Bangla or Seelotee! "Gourober Beejoy" ! [2]

"Bengali" "Seelotee" Channel BANS callers from speaking Bangla or Seelotee! "Gourober Beejoy" ! [2]

”Ajmal Masroor [seen on Tuesday 04 December 2012] is the presenter who BANNED a caller from speaking Bengali when attempting to state his experiences as a victim of domestic violence. Masroor soon went on to stress that the slot, “lets talk” which he fronts, was “one hundred percent English” between 8.30 PM and 10 Pm on Tuesdays.”

2115 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 05 December 2012

CORRECTED the BSKYB Channel number.
A production error has crept in, showing 844 instead of the correct 814
OUR diagnostic report and commentary has been about Channel 814.

2330 [2320] [2240] [2155] Hrs GMT
Tuesday 04 December 2012.
There is a Channel 844 but we shall discuss THAST one at a later time and on a later occasion.
The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary

KHEYDAIEELAAR! the campaign I launched from the Khoodeelaar! platform to keep the word ”Banglatown” IN. Commentary on the absurd “policy” by Channel 814 [BskyB]. Even Channel S, running a “Bengali" slogan "Victory of Pride", BANS Bengali speech on the show, hosted by a “Bengali”, self-confessed to be so!
The Lib Dems’ “Bangladeshi Muslim” “hope” in “Bethnal Green and Bow” at the last UK general elections [May 2010] Ajmal Masroor is the presenter who BANNED a caller from speaking Bengali when attempting to state his experiences as a victim of domestic violence. Masroor soon went on to stress that the slot, “lets talk” which he fronts, was “one hundred percent English” between 8.30 PM and 10 Pm on Tuesdays.
He did not explain or apologise to the speakers of the Bangladeshi languages who were barred from speaking their own languages on the very channel that was founded by capitalising on the word “Sylhet” and is still exploiting the “Bangladeshi” and “Bengali” “core” for its commercial existence and the legal licensing claims as deposited with OFCOM, the UK broadcasting operations “regulatory” outfit.
Not only that, the boast “Gourober Beejoy” written in the Bangla script was flickering on the top left corner of the screen just as Ajmal Masroor was stopping “Bangla” speeches by those viewers who would prefer to speak in their own languages, including Seelotee and Bangla.

The “Gourober Beejoy” is apparently exhibited to impress the Bangladeshi viewers about the “Bangladeshi or Bengali nationalistic identity and dedication” on the part of the Channel now called “Channel S”.

It has not been clear as to what the letter “S” is supposed to mean. Since it was “Sylhet Channel” at launch, the safe assumption is that the “S” is still the continuation of the Channel’s dependence on “the Seelotee”. And on Seelot [Empire English spelling “Sylhet”].

When the present BSKYB satellite “TV” Channel 814 first began its “community” appeals some six years ago, it styled itself as “the Sylhet Channel”. The reason is obvious. Sylhet is the place where the vast majority of Bangladeshis in the Uk are from.

Or the Seelottees are the vast majority of UK Bangladeshi-Origin population whose “composition as the audience, the viewers, advertisers” is the foundation on which the operators justify their business as today’s Channel S.

In the past fortnight, they have pumped out bits and pieces about the various “campaign” activities in support of the name “Banglatown” in Tower Hamlets. They have staged a so-called “live” “debate” on consecutive Thursdays to show their “allegiance” to the community whose “leaders” have been shown as “invited guests with special knowledge...” to air their views. With a small exception of a Tory wannabe Tower Hamlets Councillor [22 November 2012] the absolutely almost obsessive suggestion has been that it is t do with “bengali culture, Bengali heritage, Bengali nationhood”.

The word “banglatown” therefore has been hoisted now on Channel 814 as the CURRENT topic that is “:agitating the Bengali nation”.

Strange, is it now, that at such a time, the same channel should BAN speeches by callers in Bangla, let a,lone in Seelotee!

The question can arise, as strictly based on the contents, the thrust, the orientation, the bias of the speakers who did get to speak on air on the Broadcast slot: is Channel 814 serving perhaps the agenda of those interests whose purpose is to show the community of Seelotee/Bangladeshi/Bangla speakers to be at the centre of the “ scandal of tolerating, suppressing, allowing domestic abuse...”?

After all, the MAIN viewers are UK Bangladeshi [and by extension, their counterparts across Europe and elsewhere with access to BSKYB 814 Satellite TV Channel output]!

So what kind of “change” - which is what the “English” language imposers had INTENDED to be foisted on the behaviour of the community being targeted for this message from the English - speaking communications Empire via Ajmal Masroor - would that main community be able to bring about if that community was itself BANNED from even speaking in any of its own languages on the slot that was a dedicated one actually treating and addressing the same community as the “location and as the tolerator and the encourager of so much of the domestic abuse, violence and suppression”?

[To be continued]

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