Thursday 6 December 2012

2200 Hrs GMT London Thursday 06 December 2012. UPDATING on the dishonesty, lying at the heart of the UK Department responsible for “transport” that KHOODEELAAR! exposed years ago!

2200 Hrs GMT London Thursday 06 December 2012.
UPDATING on the dishonesty, lying at the heart of the UK Department responsible for “transport” that KHOODEELAAR! exposed years ago!
The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary. Khoodeelaar! Told the DAILY TELEGRAPH, George Osborne and assorted others so! That the daft DafT, the UK Department for Transport was stuffed full of liars, fakers and fabricators! The Khoodeelaar! Campaign against Big Business agenda scam Crossrail hole plot exposed the lies and the liars during the seven years of non-stop action to stop the plot against the Brick Lane London E1 area community! On encounter after encounter, we told the UK DfT liars off as we spotted the litany of their lies. 
We published the evidence. We said contemporaneously that that was how the liars were abusing their questions as they wasted public resource and risked more losses by the public whilst the lying careerists served the interest of the secret forces of Big Business controlling the agenda.
But the Daily Telegraph and other “mainstream” media steered clear of telling the truth despite our telling them to tell the truth.
Years of silence and £billions do wastes later, they are creepily publishing the “news” as if this is the first exclusive finding of some investigation by them!
The DAILY TELEGRAPH should apologise once again for colluding in the suppression of the truth.
[To be continued]

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