Tuesday 4 December 2012

ANALYSIS: East End of London’s very own Community Architect Kay Jordan’s community education and social struggle for the East End is centre stage

The © Muhammad Haque Daily Ethical Commentary
0245 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 04 December 2012.

East End of London’s very own Community Architect Kay Jordan’s community education and social struggle for the East End is centre stage in the latest battle to stop the community being plunged into darkness and reduced to eat grass: Contexting the KHEYDAIEELAAR! campaign to Say NO to the bid to delete the word “Banglatown” [10]

"I don't know how you do it!" she said.
Mischief on her face as she said it.
"I don 't know how you do it!" she said again.
Looking sombre this time!
Then smiling again as she continued:
"Only you can do it!"

I had no choice but to let her go on as I struggled in the dark to continue typing!

“Struggled in the dark to continue typing”!

Now that is a sentence!

How could anyone type in the dark!

That is what Kay was commenting on!

She often saw me fiddle in the dark with all sorts of keyboards
as I battled to complete a commentary.
Or a post.
Or a note.

She would stand behind me, running her own commentary on my attempted commentary!

I don’t know anyone who does this, she would say!
And with such words of apparent ordinariness Kay Jordan brought extraordinary support to the battle.

Battle to keep the community.

Just like the battle this fortnight to keep the word “Banglatown” in!

And the typing in the dark is, has been an identical parallel to the battle to defend the community.

“Save” is another word for “defend”.

I have scarcely used the word “save”, preferring instead the less dire and the more inclusive ”defend”.

But the essential objective has been to protect the community from the attacks.

Attacks that loom.

Looming all around.

Lurking just about on every corner of the Society that Cameron is involved in smashing.

The forces of darkness that promise freedom are the forces that are bent on bringing about darkness upon Society.

These are the real ones in the dark.

They will plunge Society in total darkness unless the little people scattered all over the place struck to fiddling in the dark with the broken down computer and It equipment struggling to maintain the battle for light and liberation.

This difference Kay Jordan saw as she saw the difference between selfishness and sustenance.
Sustaining the community necessarily involves giving up selfishness.

To what extent her father had inculcated that difference in her as she was growing up I do not know but she often mentioned her father and she did that in a way that addressed the issue at hand.

One of the earliest comments that she made to me about Society in Britain was derived from her father’s wisdom.

She would say: My father said that people won’t see the bad ones that rule over us for what they are until the bad ones make the people eat grass!

They will make you eat grass!

This is my version of Kay’s recollection of her father’s wisdom.

And they are doing so now.

CONDEM Collusion’s so-called finance minister, the former [is he only a “former”] Bullingdon Club member George Osborne is saying that he will tax the very rich and the very poor!

And none of the designated, licensed, authorised [by the Big Biz that controls the script that the “mainstream media” peddles in Britain] commentators appearing on the talk-boxes on Sky or the BBC has shown, as far as I could catch a glimpse of any of the output during Monday 03 December 2012 ANY AWARENESS of the poisonous toxic untruthfulness and lie that Osborne’s “project” displays.

In one single, simply stated sentence, Osborne has committed a crime that it has taken  the good people thousands of years to expose and delay: he has mixed right and wrong up!

He has abolished the difference between the very rich and the very poor!

He has committed the crime of saying that he will penalise the very poor for the robbery and the grand offences and the looting done by the very rich!

In other words, he has said that his PROJECT is to make the very poor eat grass!

In Tower Hamlets, where Kay Jordan sustained so many people and protected them and their families from being reduced to eating grass, interesting events have been taking place.

One of Kay Jordan’s own sustainable community architecture programmes has been run for a decade around the “Montefiore Centre”, situated at the corner of the Deal Street and Hanbury Street [off Brick Lane] London E1.

During the closing days of her battle to keep the Montefiore Centre available to the local community as an education and support centre, she repeatedly showed me the windows near the entrance to the Centre in the Hanbury Street and explained how she wanted me to do the Daily Bulletins and how she would put them on the windows for the community and any other users of the Montefiore Centre to see.

The other of course is the Library that she housed and was gradually expanding in the Montefiore Centre after I began [March 2006] to rescue the books and documents that the former Whitechapel Library had been throwing out as they had prepared to hand over the former library building to the “Whitechapel Art Gallery”.

By working together on such programmes for the enhancement of the lea in g and recreational resources for the local community, Kay Jordan and and I maintained the sustainable community ethos going.

In contrast to the emptiness and diversions into ignorance that have been imposed or foisted by the local Council bureaucracy and inaction and the others who have been allowed to take over the locally sited centres and facilities by default.

As I outlined in one of the KHOODEELAAR! CAMPAIGN HOUR programmes [1700-1800 Hrs GMT on Thursdays ever week] on ‘Betar Bangla’ a radio station [transmitted from a location in the borough of Tower Hamlets itself ]  in October 2012, the community centres in Tower Hamlets are that only in name. Local people are either excluded or manipulated out of those.

And that is creating the pretexts and the lack of learning and awareness that George Osborne and his gang will find useful in order for Osborne to implement that agenda to condemn the people into eating grass!

This agenda by Big Biz-agent Osborne is not so far removed from the “stupid” suggestion inserted in the English Local Boundary Commission’  draft proposal for the deletion of the word “Banglatown” from the official name of the Tower Hamlets Council Ward  of “Spitalfields and banglatown”.

Even if theoretically I was prepared to allow the Tower Hamlets Council Conservative councillor Peter Golds the “benefit of the doubT” and theoretically allowed him the excuse that he did indeed make a mere,y “stupid” suggestion in the original representation to the Boundary Commission but I am now not able to do so any more.

This is because Peter Golds has himself fl showed his “political ethnicity” by comparing supporters of the word banglatown with kangaroos!

And what do kangaroos eat?

They do eat grass, of course!

[The ethical battle against Kangaroo-contemptful Conservatives to be continued]

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