Monday 15 October 2012

The TUC's "RESISTANCE" to the Conmen's cuts is already looking like abject surrender!

1740 [1730] Hrs GMT London Monday 15 October 2012

By © Muhammad Haque

Last night's "stunt" at the central London Anglican Church venue, St Paul's Cathedral, was obviously done to maintain the tradition of "moderation" by the faithful "rebels".
Done by emulating the recent Moscow "original" stunt-makers calling themselves the PUSSY Rioters, the London version was far less hysterically handled by the local ["City of London'] Police than had been the case when Moscow Police came across the fragrant females! They reacted with much-recorded revulsion and detained the women who later faced prolonged prosecution
The St Paul's PUSSY RIOTERs did not get arrested. But the point has been made, that the CONDEM CUTS are uncivilised, "barbaric", unchristian,  etc etc.

These women are obviously sympathetic to the overly bureaucratised English TUC, the Trades Union Congress, which has now sponsored yet another very loyal and very demure "rebellion" against the cuts!
The TUC's day of resistance is already looking set to be another political joke, with no real challenge to the Conmen Cameron and Osborne on the horizon.
For generations, starting in fact in the 1920s, the "British"  TUC has played second fiddle to the power-wielders in the country and the power-holders in the UK.
The 20th October demo will be a political damp squib like hundreds of previous show-demos by the TUC have been.
The real DEMO will have to come from the millions of ordinary people whose lives have been violated by the hundreds of creepy attacks that the CONDEM Collusion has mounted in the past two and a half yard.
Will the ordinary people do what is required by their own human needs and Social demands? Or will the millions choose, instead, to be dragged downwards and into the more of ever deeper denials, deprivation and depletions in their possessions?

[To be continued]

Members of the Occupy London movement, which camped outside the cathedral for four months last winter, interrupted last night's (October 14) evensong by chaining themselves to the base of the pulpit.
While the choir sang, four women dressed in white shouted their own sermon to mark the anniversary of the start of the Occupy camp outside St Paul's, accusing the cathedral authorities of colluding with banks and failing to help the poor, The Guardian reports.

Activist Alison Playford shouted: "Your collusion with the City Of London Corporation led to our violent eviction on your doorstep. You testified against us which acted to uphold injustice and inequality that is growing by the day. St Paul's Cathedral, you must stand up and be counted at this great trial of history."

The women later cut their chains and have since declared the action a success. In a statement issued today (October 15), one of the activists, Siobhan Grimes, an Anglican who works for an environmental charity, said: "I chained myself to the pulpit in St Paul's Cathedral in protest about women's economic inequality. As a Christian, I know that my faith teaches through the example of Christ's radical action to protect the poorest and most vulnerable members of society.”

During the group's occupation of St Paul's Cathedral a year ago, a raft of musicians including Billy Bragg, Kate Nash and Enter Shikari turned out to support the movement.

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