Tuesday 16 October 2012

The KHOODEELAAR! Manifesto 2012 for a decent Tower Hamlets, served by a Council that is staffed ONLY by decent people, not by liars making a deprived borough even more deprived.

The KHOODEELAAR! Manifesto 2012 for a decent Tower Hamlets, served by a Council that is staffed ONLY by decent people, not by liars making a deprived borough even more deprived.

The KHOODEELAAR! Manifesto 2012 for  a decent Tower Hamlets, served by a Council that is staffed by decent people, not by liars making a deprived borough even more deprived.   
 By © Muhammad Haque    
0300 [0255] [0250] [0225] [0210] [0120] Hrs GMT     
London Tuesday 16 October 2012              
Who is KEEPING the housing crisis festering in Tower Hamlets?      It is the corrupt bureaucracy in the Council itself, the evidence shows this conclusively!     
Why did Channel 4 TV allow [the then Tower Hamlets Council "town clerk"] Kevan Collins to peddle outrageous lies for the corrupt bureaucracy?     
How a significant number of people are being made homeless by Tower Hamlets Council’s very own “homeless persons” unit, whatever the “operation” is now called!           
Why did Channel 4 TV allow Kevan Collins in July 2010 to peddle outrageous lies for the corrupt bureaucracy operating via one of the UK’s “most deprived”, “inner cities” “East End” borough of Tower Hamlets Council?               
I have asked this question before.       
In fact I published a number of comments on the Channel 4 Series UNDERCOVER BOSS  featuring Kevan Collins shortly after it was broadcast.       Has there been any other comment to the same effect?     May be.       But none comes to mind that caused any  real attention to be paid to the scandal that a [as Collins was at the time] “employed” “town clerk” in a widely admitted deprived borough could stage such a complete fakery at the expense of the people whom the corrupt bureaucracy had failed to serve so miserably.     
The corruption in Tower Hamlets Council’s “housing option” [!!!!!!] operation is rampant.     So why is there no outrage about it?       
Why, for instance, isn’t there any call from the “combined front” of Peter Golds, the Archant “local” papers [typified by the former "East London Advertiser"] and the assortment of “Fleet Street ‘insiders’ in Tower Hamlets” [who are strangely dedicated to "scouring for gossip about the peripheral issues of faith and politics, rather than those of corruption, bribery and so on] for something to be done by, say, Eric Pickles about the corruption?       
Why isn’t [wasn't] there an outcry deploring the fact that Kevan Collins actually fronted a project of blatant lying and called himself “Colin” on camera when also at the same time standing next to the “real” Colin [Cormack] who must have known that Kevan Collins was engaged at the time in peddling a fraudulent PR line for the Council’s relevant corrupt bureaucracy and promoting the image of the Council’s “homeless” “service” ["headed by Cormack"] as a “caring, efficient and responsible” one to the “hapless who found themselves homeless”!!!      
The truth is that Tower Hamlets Council’s corrupt bureaucracy has been CAUSING homelessness in the borough on purpose. And where it has not been doing so, it has been allowing a significant crisis in housing provisions to fester forever.     The segment of the Channel 4 PR programme “UNDERCOVER BOSS” that showed the faking Kevan/Colin doing an incredibly unrealistic “matey” “chat” with a young “staff”  at the “homeless” “service” cannot be related to by a single one of the real people who have been made homeless by Tower Hamlets Council’s corrupt bureaucracy.     Here is the summary of one person’s testimony [Colin Cormack caused that person to be homeless for years].       
This is evidence  involving the role played by Colin Cormack from  May 1996       
The scene is a “kitchen” of a flat not far from the Fieldgate Street, London E1.     
For legal reasons, the full postal address is not being given here, just for now, but will be published in the very near future.       
The scene is a very small kitchen dominated by “work tools” and little else  There are only two person sitting at opposite sides of a small table in that kitchen       
One is Colin Cormack and the other is the “homeless person” “staying” at that flat [that did not belong to him, "obviously"!] for just under a year or so mostly in order to look after their “work tools”       
The person telling Colin Cormack that the flat was too small to house the person’s work tools. The phrase “work tools” will be elaborated on in the later pieces.     
Colin Cormack is visiting the address as part of his “work” that he had been ORDERED to do by the then Chief Executive of Tower Hamlets Council.      
That – for newcomers to the antics of Tower Hamlets Council bureaucracy which never misses the slightest of opportunities top overdo the glory and the tokenism – was also the first woman town clerk [Ooops! "chief Executive"] employed in Tower Hamlets Council.       
he reason why Colin Cormack had been ORDERED by Sylvie Pierce [for it was she! the "Chief executive"] was so that the Council could avoid a protracted legal battle with the person who had prepared the legal action claims.       
Cormack had been introduced to the homeless person by the head of the Chief Executive’s Office communicating to the homeless person ON BEHALF of Sylvie Pierce in May 1996.     Sylvie Pierce had already spoken to and had  communicated with and exchanged communications with the homeless person several times before.       So this meeting was taking place in the flat near the Fieldgate Street against the background of a number that had already taken place between the two, Colin Cormack and the homeless person.           How did Colin Cormack look?       
Not as he did when posing next to the faker Colin on the Channel 4 UNDERCOVER FRAUD [Oops! Boss!]     
 It looks, on reflection, that Sylvie Pierce, may, just get something that she must have resigned to thinking she would never get: a reprieve! In “legacy”. 
And it looks even MORE LIKELY that I may bring about the things that will give Sylvie pierce that reprove     it may even be the case that Sylvie Pierce will be the most unprepared person to receive such a boost from me  !!!!!!!!
[THE SCENE with Colin Cormack in 1996 oozing "solidarity, understanding and support" for the "homeless orson", in that flat near the Fieldgate street, is to be continued]p

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