Sunday 14 October 2012

Tower Hamlets Council clique lied to tenants and residents via "East End Lies" and faked the "dream" future on housing with the RSLs

0845 [0840] [0800] [0730] [0700] [0640] Hrs GMT 
Sunday 14 October 2012. 
to the 
KHOODEELAAR! Manifesto 2012 
By © Muhammad Haque

The fact that the "East End Lies" is published almost every week and its 'news and features' spaces are filled with
plugs and PR for "the current administration" means that all "sides" that have ever been in power and control of the Council since this little pravda was introduced have abused their position and taken part in pretending that they were "doing things four the community" when the truth ids that they were inducing in propaganda for their own images and for their own cliques, factions that happened to be "in power" at that particular time.
They have, in effect over the years, abolished the 
And the fact that the "East End Lies" is "in-house", that is, it is produced by employees of Tower Hamlets Council means that there is no likelihood that the "manufacturers" of the lies will want to stop lying. It follows that they will carry on telling the lies. For any questioning of the blind [='unquestioning'] PR for the given "current administration" will result in some sort of disciplinary step being taken by the same administration against the "truth teller/s" or against the raiser/s of the ethical questions.
It is thus not just after the model of the USSR-era Pravdas controlled from their Moscow HQs but also of the "Eastern bloc" type culture of fierce propaganda for the sitting regime so noisily associated with the regime of Nicolae Caucescue in Romania.
It is true that the apparatuses that the Romanian regime [which "ended" with the calamitous fall in 1989] had far outweighed in scale and detail those available to the little local regime based at the overly expensively "hired/leased" Mulberry Place in London E14 2BG [at the community's expense and in the name of the community that is treated with increasing obstructiveness and hostility].
But the detrimental purpose to undermine the local community and to sabotage democratic debate and to obstruct the creation of any atmosphere for good service to the local community has been operated to a traceably corrupting extent via the "East End Lies" just as effectively as any Romanian equivalent with a greater scale would have done in Romania before 1989.

I here refer again to the lies that were perpetrated against the rights and the futures of the local Council housing tenants when the stock transfer of Council housing was mounted.
On the surface, the claim was that local tenants were able to exercise their utmost freedom to "choose".
But the truth is that people were given false information, with the aim being to mislead most tenants into "believing" that IF THEY REMAINED WITH THE COUNCIL then their housing needs would suffer and that the ONLY way to make sure that they 
[a] got good housing service  in the immediate future and 
[b] even better hosing service after that was to OPT FOR YES to the transfer of the housing stock.
That that was a lie was confirmed again on Thursday during a radio programme that I presented. A caller [whom I know] made the assertion that the Tower Hamlets Council's housing stock transfer to the identifiable registered social [!!!] landlords was contaminated by corruption  at all levels of the operation, before, during and after.
The caller, Carole, is a known campaigner AGAINST the transfer of the Council housing stock away from Council control and into the holds of the RSLs.
Carole said some of the things that I have known to be true as well.
Like the fact that quite a few people who sit on the so-called Boards of these RSLs are also involved with the Council where they occupy decision-making positions.
That is a conflicting position.
And it is made worse by the failure or rather the refusal on the parts of these individuals to publish the facts of WHAT they do on the Boards and what they SEE as being the behaviour of the "post transfer" RSLs.
The truth of the ROLE of Tower Hamlets Council in ENCOURAGING the CORRUPTING state of affairs to continue is beyond  denial.
Answer: Over four years ago, I started to ask the "DEMOCRATIC SERVICES" [Tower Hamlets Council]  to tell me about Tower Hamlets Council's "representatives" on the RSLs. I did ask to be given the evidence of these "representatives' conduct" on OTHER external outfits and agencies too.

But I particularly focussed on the Council's "representatives" sitting on the RSLs. I asked: what did they do? 
Did they report back to the "democratic Council" on what went on in those organisations and what they, these "representatives" saw there?
Initially, I had asked the then Chief Executive to tell me about these.
The then Chief Executive's office suggested that I asked the Council's Democratic Services about my questions.
I asked who in the Democratic Services would tell me what I had been asking to know.
I was told that a man named John S Williams would be the one to tell me all I wanted to know.
I took that in good faith and asked away.
I even sent - over the four years or so since starting to ask these questions - about a hundred separate, constantly updating communications including emails and telephone messages.
But ANSWER there came NONE from John S Williams.
To begin with, it was not John S Williams that I found myself speaking to, most of the times. Or sending emails to, most of the times.
It was a member of the staff, whom I shall not name here, in my voluntary compliance with the standards of ethics that I apply to my public statements and commentaries.
That member of staff turned out to be a partner in the business of misleading, fabrication and fakery too.
So after four years of efforts, I could not get any evidence from Tower Hamlets Council showing WHAT if anything, the same Council's REPRESENTATIVES on the external "bodies": especially the "registered Social landlords" now controlling the majority of the transferred Council Housing stock DID as they SAT there in the name of the "elected Tower Hamlets Council".

[To be continued]

Is Tower Hamlets Council really that dysfunctional when it comes to standards, ethics and legality?

0700 [0640] Hrs GMT London Sunday 14 October 2012. By ©Muhammad Haque.

It must be if the evidence reaching the Khoodeelaar! campaign is anything to go by at all.

Take the latest series of claims promoted via East End Lies [Oops! "East End News"}. Apart from the ever-smiling faces gracing [!] the pages of the very seriously wasteful and misleading little 'pravda', the "title" [!!!!!] scarcely contains any facts that resonate with the lies of most people who constitute the electorate, the community, the neighbourhoods that are still allowed to be in this East End Borough.

This has been the case with the "East End Lies".
When the title was first hyped up and promoted under the "political" administration of the then SDP now Lib Dems there were a lot of promises made about what it would seek to do.

Portray the community as it really is and tell the truth. Almost!

For it is not a given policy on the part of ANY bureaucracy, whatever the bent [INDEED!]  or the orientation, to say things like "we shall tell the truth".

But there is a significance in the fact that the "East End Lies" as it was when I publicly gave it the true title in September 2000 during a session of a meeting held in the Town Hall Chamber, has degenerated even further in the 12 years that have passed.

I shall diagnose and share the key symptoms of the dysfuntionality and the dishonesty peddled by the "East End Lies" that I come across,  in the later parts of this PREAMBLE to the KHOODEELAAR! Manifesto 2012.

[To be continued]

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