Friday 6 April 2012

Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone should confess to all their lies.

0828 [0755] Hrs GMT



06 April 2012.


By © Muhammad Haque.

I am calling for Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone to confess to all their lies. Both of them. And I am adding here the fact that they BOTH peddled Big Biz lies for CRASSrail. I shall update on this aspect later today. As discreditable was the particular lie that each one perpetrated at the expense of the people Scotland. That was years before there was any sign of Alex Salmond getting anywhere near power. But BOTH Johnson and Livingstone have given extra cause for Salmond to claim credit. And the losers, big time and in the long and the medium terms, have been the people of the country as a whole. Livingstone was the first to publicly pander to London-centric parochialism by wrongly blaming the people of Scotland for London’s economic [and fiscal] problems. Johnson , when he followed Livingstone and occupied the Onion in May 2008 did the same. Both have a repugnant propensity to pander to subliminal racism to suit the propaganda needs of their careerist agendas. They must confess to all their “errors” [= lies] apologise for lying and then “humbly” hope that the people will forgive them. This is the time for both of them to confess and seek the forgiveness of London people and the forgiveness of others that both have offended, derided and smeared. The others definitely include the people of Scotland.

[To be continued]

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