Friday 6 April 2012

Muhammad Haque tells London Onion seekers Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone to confess to ALL the lies that they ust have perpetrated in their bid

0740 [0628] Hrs GMT



06 April 2012

Muhammad Haque tells London Onion seekers Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone to confess to ALL the lies that they ust have perpetrated in their bid for the publicly paid for office - [2]

The Muhammad Haque Ethical call is made first in a Comment posted at 0628 GMT today on the online UK edition of the Huffington Post.

[To be continued]

“Tax returns” is too narrow a criterion to be allowed to Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone.

The test must be widened to cover all the relevant aspects of their conduct and fitness.

Let them publish their full unredacted logs and diaries of all the deals that they must have made in seeking the Onion or being in occupation of the Onion.

Both states of their “beings” apply to both of them.

Let us have them confess in public to all the lies, fakeries and fabrications that they have perpetrated on the people of London and on the wider public IN THE NAME of the people of London in pursuing their persistent preoccupation for this particular publicly paid for office.

0628 GMT Friday 06 April 2012

The above comment appears in the HUFFINGTON Post, accessible via the URL quoted below. The spelling errors i the version o the Huffington Post have bee corrected in the texts above.

Ken Livingstone Releases Tax Details After Pressure From Boris And Brian

The Huffington Post UK | By Posted: 5/04/2012 14:01 Updated: 5/04/2012 14:23

Ken Livingstone released the details of his tax affairs on Thursday afternoon, having initially said he would only do so if his rivals for London Mayor published the full details of their household incomes.

The Labour candidate for Mayor has been under pressure to explain his tax arrangements, having been accused of avoiding the taxman by paying himself through a company, which attracts corporation tax at 20% rather than higher rates of income tax.

The figures, published on Ken's election website, suggest Livingstone paid just under £35,000 in tax last year on a total income of £94,500 - a rate of 36%.

The figures confirm that since losing the London Mayoral election of 2008, Livingstone's income has increasingly come from company dividends, rather than from a direct salary.

The U-turn by Ken on Thursday afternoon followed his apparent reluctance to follow Boris Johnson and Brian Paddick - his two main rivals in the London Mayoral Election - in publishing their tax figures.

Johnson's tax details suggest that he has not earned any money via a company in the last four years, despite being accused of this by Livingstone earlier this week.

According to the records which go back to April 2007, Boris has only earned money either through a direct salary - primarily since May 2008 as Mayor of London, and from freelance work, the bulk of which is thought to be his column in the Daily Telegraph.

Boris made the disclosure after four of the seven candidates for Mayor of London agreed to do so during a hustings debate on BBC Newsnight on Wednesday.

The disclosure seems to suggest that Livingstone was wrong in his allegation that Boris earned money through corporation tax via Finland Station. It also piled the pressure on Ken to disclose the precise nature of his earnings.

Lib Dem candidate Brian Paddick also released details of his tax affairs on Thursday (PDF), they showed that he was paying around 24% tax on his earnings. Last year his police pension of nearly £64,000 formed the bulk of his income.

Green candidate Jenny Jones has said she will publish full details of her income "early next week". In addition to her London assembly salary of just over £53,000, she has declarations in her register of interests on the City Hall website, including "occasional writing" for the Guardian and work for the National Police Improvement Agency.

Earlier, in refusing to publish their candidate's individual tax affairs, Ken' campaign said: “We believe household publication is necessary for full disclosure as the question of Ken’s income and his wife’s income and their tax has been central the coverage of this issue. Publication of Ken’s returns alone will not address many of the questions that have been raised.

“The only way to answer all the questions about this issue and to move the debate on the real issues facing London is for full household income disclosure.

"This should apply to all the candidates equally to avoid any further questions about the income and tax affairs that may or may not be applicable to them through their households."

Ken was immediately criticised for apparently failing to join other candidates in disclosing their full income, with Brian Paddick tweeting:

Brian Paddick
I'll show you mine, will you show me yours?

The row over alleged tax avoidance was ramped up earlier this week when a feisty debate on London's LBC radio station between Boris and Ken spilled out of the radio studio and into a lift. Ken Livingstone had alleged that Boris had previously had similar arrangements with Finland Station.

This caused Boris and Ken to have a blazing row, with Boris describing Ken's allegations as "f*****g lies".

Ken Livingstone is NIC-ed on tax avoidance says .@atulh
The end of the road for Ken Livingstone
Ken Livingstone tax avoidance: what has he actually paid?
Blog: The end of the road for Ken Livingstone
, & Boris publish all details of earnings & tax paid. Ken Livingstone, apparently, not so forthcoming- according to
on British Police Zero Tollerance - asks why no ZT on Car Theft, Drug Pushers, Theives, & Police Bung Takers?
11 hours ago from web
Ken Livingstone's published details of his income and tax
excellent analysis of today's ken livingstone tax affairs fiasco here
14 hours ago from web
How Ken Livingstone appears to have lost out in a row about tax which he himself ignited
Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone release personal tax details - Telegraph
London mayoral hopefuls Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone locked in tax row
Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone release personal tax details
Ken Livingstone manages to reduce his tax liabilty to a mere 14%. Good for him
16 hours ago from web
London mayoral hopefuls Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone locked in tax row
Ken Livingstone is a serial tax avoider, Boris is a newspaper columnist part-time Mayor. Enjoy your choice London.
Wow. No wonder Ken Livingstone didn't want to publish his tax return. He pays 14.5% due 2 avoidance schemes. Lower than a City Hall cleaner
London mayoral candidate Ken Livingstone publishes tax records showing he paid about £90,000 in income tax from 2007-11
Ken Livingstone indicates he's reluctant to publish personal tax details unless his rivals publish household tax figs -
Ken Livingstone's team say they're about to publish a table of income equivalent Boris Johnson's disclosure. E. Standard already has it
Ken Livingstone, 67, is two days younger than Burma's newest MP, Aung Sun Suu Kyi, says Michael White
19 hours ago from web
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Recency |
22 minutes ago (07:30)
“Tax returns” is too narrow a criterion to be allowed to Boris Johnson ad Ken Livingstone.
The test must be widened to cover all the relevant aspects fo heir conduct ad fitness.
Let them p[publish their full unredacted logs and diaries of all the deals that they must have made in seeking the Onion or being in occupation of the Onion.
Both states of their “beings” apply to both of them.
Let us have them confess in public to all the lies, fakeries and fabrications that they have perpetrated on the people fo London ad o the wider public IN THE NAME of the people of London in pursuing their persistent preoccupation for this particular publicly paid for office.
0628 GMT Friday 06 April 2012

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