Saturday 1 October 2011

Why Tory Tyrie is plain wrong, just as is Byllyingdone Cameron is even more wrong. The economy needs sustaining....

Why Tory Tyrie is plain wrong, just as is Byllyingdone Cameron is even more wrong. The economy needs sustaining. It doesn’t need being messed up even more!

To understand how the Tories of BOTH wings are wrong on the UK economy, it is absolutely vital to look at what they are doing. We examine the evidence of the Tories’ abuse of the UK Department for Want and Poverty. The DWP.

1600 Hrs GMT

London Saturday 01 October 2011-10-01

© Muhammad Haque

CONTINUING to examine the Channel 4 News item presented by Sarah Smith on Friday 30 September 2011 about the utterances of Chris Grayling as the stooged propagandist for the Big Biz interests who have been the real robbers of the “Benefits” £Billions blame doing the truly poor people in this country.

In the diagnostic digests that the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign against the "Big Biz agenda scam CrossRail hole attacks on the Brick Lane London E1 area...." published, the main flaw we had identified was the crassness of the Ministers and others peddling the lies for Big Business. One such peddler, who spoke for the UK Cons, was, of course, Chris Grayling. It was a name that happened to suit the linguistic sounds of the findings too. So we said "Grayling is falling again".

And so it is that the same Chris Grayling is falling to recognise that there is, despite his ingrained ignorance, an acceptance de facto among the ordinary UK public of the existence of an almost programmatic constitutional settlement within which the UK regime of the day has to [and has had to] operate in order that a semblance of legitimacy about “The UK” or about “GB” is plausibly presentable at international forums.

For it is one thing to maintain a barrage of pretexts as bargaining counters and ploys so that other EU member states make concessions and or resist any commercial temptation to take undue or unfair advantage of the UK. It is entirely another thing to constantly deny the existence of the agreements that the UK has signed.

So what Grayling was doing yesterday [Friday 30 September 2011] was what all the others in the Big Biz Club tend to do. They do down the EU by attacking the rare bits. By the “rare bits” I here refer to the very small number of constitutional tools that are universally fair or tend to be fair.

The UK has been proven to be the Scrooge in the entire EU.

And the faster the civilised participants and activists in UK "public life" realise this and put an end to this pre-historic "culture" the faster the UK can get out of the morality free rut and undemocratic, Neanderthal morass that the Department for Want and Poverty creation [DWP] has been used over the past decades to create here. That the DWP is and has been one of the most effective tools of regression has not been recognised by any of the appeared writers, researchers, commentators or "legislators".

Field work done in the area of the UK DWP across inner cities East End of London has produced stunning insights into just how backward the DWP is and how even worse the Ministers have been. Combined, they have even responsible for the theft of £Billions from UK public by Big Business which has done this by using stooged Ministers in the DWP to routinely blame the victims of their crime: the “poor” people.

Grayling is not the first pre-civilisation Minster to be in post in a DWP ministry.

[To be continued]

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