Saturday 1 October 2011

The DWP is lending an additionally poverty creating hand to the Con Party by aiding and abetting the latter’s falsification project on benefit claims

© Muhammad Haque original diagnosis of the latest evidence of the UK Central Government Scrooge Department. The Department for Want and Poverty creation.

The DWP is lending an additionally poverty creating hand to the Con Party by aiding and abetting the latter’s falsification project on benefit claims by EU Nationals in the UK. As the Con party craves maximum benefits of a benefits row on the eve of an otherwise gloom-laden Party jamboree at the weekend...

2340 Hrs GMT
London Friday 30 September 2011

Sarah Smith presented a short item about the UK CON Party getting into a state about "benefits". That word, "benefits", is likely to cause no end of rows. Regardless of who is talking about it? It has a particularly strong impact when a Con Party project is floated around it. And so it was on Friday 30 September 2011. The project in need of the "benefit of a benefits row", to put it accurately, was of course the Con party's annual jamboree. It gets going on Saturday and is intensified on Sunday and made ready for the adulation that Cameron needs during the first half of the week.
A row about "benefits" is misleading enough at the best of times.
A row about "EU meddling in our internal affairs" is bound to be far worse.
And so the Con party strategists hope that this row will "benefit" them during the next few days.
The more hatred, intolerance and misgivings can be generated in the direction of the falsely promoted image of the "EU" the better it will be for the electoral purposes of the moment of the Con party following their implementation of the staged row.
And signs are that there is collusion in the manufacture of the row as the Daily Mail is leading its Saturday front page [editions seen up to 2300 GMT Friday 30 September 2011] on the very same "attack" by the EU.
The apparently sinister word "DIKTAT" is also used in the Daily Mail's splash against "EU Benefits claims imposition" on what they suggest is a "hapless, helpless" UK "surrounded by marauding hordes of benefit claimants marching towards the UK from across the perceived poorer parts of the EU"!
The Channel 4 News item [Friday 30 September 2011] on the latest staging of this routine anti-EU [façade] row pretty much put paid to the ambitions of the Con party stirrers [focussing on the Con Party jamboree attendees and hand-clappers] on this one.
As Sarah Smith said, the truth was hundreds of miles away form what the CON Party was claiming it to be.
Channel 4 News item also made a pointed reference to the untruths that the UK Department for Want and Poverty creation [DWP] has proffered to aid and abet the Coin party Propaganda item.
Channel 4 News did NOT say that the DWP had done so with the de facto approval of Robert Devereux, the “Permanent Secretary” who had been “launched” by the Cabinet secretary Gus O’Donnell with such a fulsome propaganda backup for the new top man at the DWP that even the “originators of UK Civil Service spin jobs” would feel embarrassed at the transparently dishonest contents of that Party performance by the supposedly neutral and objective mandarins in charge of the DWP.
The truth which Sarah Smith headed for but did not quite reach in the item is this: that the UK central Government Department that is admittedly the most corrupt is the DWP.
This is not my conclusion.
This is the recurring finding by the otherwise very tame “Select Committee” of MPs on the DWP.
So the latest Con Party con against the involuntarily impoverished is already coming apart. Not only has the DWP been caught lying about the £2 Billion “loss that they claim would be “suffered” by “the UK” if EU nationals in the UK were allowed to claim “benefits in the UK” but the EU has already hit back at the banality of the bluff in the name “GB”.
As if that were not proof enough that the UK CON party strategists were morally and ethically and constitutionally bankrupt the comparative figures that Sarah Smith presented in the item about rates of benefits in some major partner countries in the EU showed that no self-respecting “claimant” would consider the UK benefit rates to be worthy of their ambitions!
Most other countries paid far higher rates of benefits to their nationals than the UK was doing!
Even on those figures, the UK DWP was typical of the scrooge-mentality that many of CON party propagandists claim has been left far behind in this country!
[To be continued]

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