Sunday 9 October 2011

Has Theresa May been manipulated too far into the era oif Nasty Party darkness? Can she survive the Jamboree posturings?

0745 [0715] GMT London Sunday 09 October 2011

© Muhammad Haque Daily Constitutional law and Ethical Commentary

Can Home Secretary Theresa May survive her about turn? Is she being manipulated into the Nasty Party darkness? Has she had enough of being thought a “Tory who is also a decent human being”?

Noting the latest perpetration of the nasty "joke", "sarcasm" in the pro-Con UK "mainstream" media "making fun" of "the cat" framed by the NeoCon Propagandists who have snared Theresa May in their trap contrived to do down all things even marginally civilised and "not"-Nasty being used by as an ADDED ATTRACTION in the slot on the Sunday Newspapers just before 0700 GMT.

The real tragedy is that Theresa May has now lost something very precious in any career politician’s objectively compiled records. Her intervention with that admission that many people in Britain viewed the [Maggie Thatcher] Conservative or the Tory Party as "The Nasty Party" was a genuinely civilising one. Even with the many limitations that Theresa May's own career ambitions have placed on her life, that one was so valued by the ordinary people that she was on an upward curve in public esteem immediately after that intervention.

The culmination was of course her being chosen by the Cameron-Cons for the Home Office job. But she is losing big time on that genuine credibility. As Geoffrey Robertson, QC, has said in the past week, Theresa May's condemnation of the Human Rights Act was very unwise and inappropriate. And as I have pointed out more than once in a busy period that is coincidentally also linked with a lot of proximity research into Theresa May's office, the attack on the UK's timid Human Rights Act will produce something quite unlike what the Neo Con agenda setters think they will get. It is quite likely that a debate that should have taken place in Britain about human rights, will now get underway and a legislation that is more in keeping with the Universal Declarations of more than 60 years ago than the existing HRA is, will be ushered in.

It is widely known that Party jamborees are not the same things as the “streets of Worcester” frequented by the current sephological myths-linked “Worcester Woman”. Yet nothing gets the sustained and the overbearing media imposition as a Party Jamboree performance. So Theresa May’s portrayal last week as the almost neo-Nasty Thatcherite Con Party Home Secretary railing against the Human Rights Act was the last thing that the civilised middle Britons wanted to see. But they did see it. And the descent for Theresa May from that rare sport of being considered a decent Tory may have already begun. Regardless of the fact that the Jamboree staged in Manchester was nothing to do with the actual voter intents, the damage may have been done to make a recovery harder than it would earthrise be.

As if her tirade performed against the HRA was not nasty enough, the fact that she was given this elaborately scripted task to perform the additional attack on the image of universal [for so many millions even in CONDEM-ed Britain] affection for cats has meant that Theresa May must have been placed in a desperate corner: do this, say nasty things like we do and stay in office. Or say goodbye…

It is quite likely that the opposite of what Theresa May may have been led to believe may now begin to happen.

Far from benefiting her career Ms May may begin to suffer as a result of this regressive intervention against civilised values and liberating passions.

[To be continued]


BRICK LANE NEWS is published in London E1 UK on Sunday 09 October 2011 by AADHIKAR Media Foundation in association with the ALL VOLUNTEERS NEWS [AVNews] KAY JORDAN FOUNDATION, Khoodeelaar! And the Brick Lane Community Business Forum. This material is accessible online via Editor © Muhammad Haque


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