Monday 2 May 2011

Kay Jordan’s work sustaining the Community in the East End of London

Kay Jordan’s work sustaining the Community in the East End of London


By © Muhammad Haque

1430 [1140] GMT London [Bank Holiday] Monday 02 May 2011.

Space, shape, size and strength. These are the four qualities that I think are vital for any structure. And these came through with apparently natural ease when Kay Jordan got to work as the community architect that she allowed herself to be known as. The community that Kay Jordan built has all those ingredients. And more.
The most important of the other ingredients is the force of life that Kay Jordan sustained for thirty years. In each of the individuals that she came across, the ones that approached her, the ones that were introduced to Kay, she saw this force in their most acute forms. How? Because the people that Kay Jordan has been supporting, in the 30 years of devotion, have appeared to her to be in need of sustenance. And Kay has made that sustenance available as if she herself has not been in need of any!
During this past week, I have been continuing to speak to people in the Brick Lane London E1 area. These conversations have been quite by chance.
I have been speaking quite a bit this past week or so with Shamsuddin. Two days ago, he introduced me to his daughter who is now aged ten. As soon as he had done that, Shamsuddin got excited as he remembered a meeting when his daughter had been four years old. He said that Kay Jordan was walking towards him. When he told her about his daughter, Kay immediately picked the child up and gave her an affectionate embrace and then hugged him as well. Something very special for everyone she met. Something that is so special that those who felt it still cherish the moment.

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