Tuesday 3 May 2011

London Guardian over exaggerates another Murdoch Media miniature mishap: Obama 'as' Osama!

0100 Hrs GMT
03 May 2011.
AADHIKAROnline London Commentary.
The Guardian should look at ITS record over the past 70 years. Long before Rupert Murdoch or FOX TV of the USA had ANY presence anywhere in the world. the Guardian had a very serious place, as an EMPIRE promoting organ of the British Empire. Looked at on a day to day basis, the Guardian has worn the veneer of ‘the definitive liberal daily newspaper in the English language ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD’ and under the that lethally untruthful and deceptive veneer the Guardian has conducted the CRUSADE more effectively than the entire collection of the rest of Fleet Street and the regional English newspapers put together have done. As has the Guardian done again during ‘Bank Holiday’ Monday 02 May 2011. it has served the cause of Empire more effectively than all of its so-called rival titles of the allegedly reactionary Right put together have done. So who will expose the Guardian?
[To be continued]

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