Monday 4 April 2011


0755 [0740] [0715] [0650] Hrs GMT London Monday 04 April 2011. AADHIKAROnline © Muahmmad Haque London Commentary.
On 28 March 2011, two days after the 26 March demonstration in London against “CONDEM CUTS”, one of the most ferocious, persistent and poisonous supporters of the war on the people of Iraq stood up in the UK House of Commons and pretended to be concerned for the welfare of the poor ‘at home’. So much so that he was allowed to make a statement faking it all the while and actually uttering a boast which showed that as far as he was concerned CUTS meant INCREASES! As is the RECORD, the UK House of Commons is not known for allowing a genuinely democratic audit of Cabinet ministers. So what took place on 28 March 2011 was another charade that was taken up by the likes of Gove making banal statements that added nothing to the sum of knowledge about the impact that the cuts that he was part of executing would have on the already deeply impoverished people and families in the inner cities and the counterparts locations and situations in society in Britain. But then how could he utter otherwise? After all, it was Michael Gove who along with the [‘Liberal’ !] Guardian’s widely-described ‘policy-maker’ Polly Toynbee and their fellow war propagandists Janet Daley and David Aaronovitch made such a very serious contribution to selling the lie that waging war on innocent people had to be done! These four were among the most vitriolic attackers - over the key Blair-GW Bush war years on Iraq - of overall societies and people in the countries that Blair and Bush invaded. So how is it that anyone, including Andy Burnham [who was himself exposed as a world class idiot after he was forced to apologise to a lobby interest operating in Britain, after he made a defamatory suggestion about David Davis and late night phone calls] expected Gove to become “naturally human and feel empathetic with the targets of the attacks” that Gove had been a long time planner of?
In any case, how could a latter day de facto practitioner of the art of propaganda that is so often associated with Joseph Goebbles as the master of, be expected to tell the truth about anything?
What would Gove know of involuntary impoverishment of families? Families which the SUNDAY EXPRESS described [20 March 2011] in some detail as having to raise children who were going hungry ?
What would Gove know of the fundamental contradictions in the job that is done by the man in Tower Hamlets who says he has been employed in poverty creation for the past 30 years ?
How would someone of Michael Gove’s ignorance and perniciousness distinguish between poverty creation and poverty? Between lack of jobs and being work shy? Between the people held prisoner in their own homes in estates after criminally silenced estates across the inner city deprived East London borough of Tower Hamlets? Between the role played by ALL the state agencies in the borough that are paid handsomely IN THE NAME of delivering services to the community actually and routinely failing and even refusing to do their jobs and agencies who are in fact made up of employees doing the jobs to their communities? What “elected” “representative” of which constituency in Tower Hamlets would tell Gove the truth when the dominant consideration, factor, influence in both [“Parliamentary”] constituencies [in Tower Hamlets] is that of the “elected” ones belonging with the raging grouping and or the grouplet that keeps only functioning as based on its hatred of their rivals in the community?
How would any one know the truth when there is no one looking for the truth in Tower Hamlets? Or are they?
Is that why Gove felt confident before he uttered a statement to MPs on 28 March 2011 that contained the following fabrication?

“Tower Hamlets continues to be among the best-funded local authorities for students between the ages of five and 16, why Tower Hamlets will benefit disproportionately from the pupil premium...”

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