Monday 4 April 2011

Setting the scene with a MUHAMMAD Haque London Commentary commentary published on 20 March 2011 on Richard Desmond's SUNDAY EXPRESS dated 20 March 20

Setting the scene with a MUHAMMAD Haque London Commentary commentary published on 20 March 2011 on Richard Desmond's SUNDAY EXPRESS dated 20 March 2011

1850 [1845] [1830] [1800] Hrs GMT
20 March 2011.
By © Muhammad Haque.
The strange thing is that the Richard Desmond-ed SUNDAY EXPRESS has shown ‘awareness’ of something that it is usually in denial of. POVERTY in Britain. So why is the SUNDAY EXPRESS running the front page story today about the country being in starvation: “UK BEGINS TO STARVE”?
Is it part of Desmond’s state of mind that is doing it?
That he cannot bear to mention either Libya or Muammar Gaddafi without feeling unwell? So powerful is the hatred of Gaddafi in Desmond’s ‘journalistic culture’ [!!!!] that he is forced to accept the bit of the truth about the really horrible agenda that the CONDEM COLLUSION in the UK is all about: to CREATE MORE POVERTY in Britain!
Desmond has not personally signed the piece as such. But his true agenda is behind the SUNDAY EXPRESS diversion. The SUNDAY EXPRESS does NOT represent the rights of people who are already in poverty. Nor has it any true evidential ground to claim to have conducted a sustained and consistent campaign to expose the real villains who cause poverty and who keep poverty going as part of the agenda of corrupt politics that the SUNDAY ENDERS shores up and backs.
The DESMOND-owned ‘newspaper and media’ outlets are among the worst offenders who daily violate the universally recognisable; rights of the people who are pushed into poverty involuntary.
Hence the cheap, dishonest and misleading and untruthful tales peddled by these outlets; that paint the people in involuntary poverty as being willingly so.
The DESMOND ‘media’ outlets also conceal the evidence that would in fact expose such villains as David Fraud [currently engaged in perpetrating a morality-free act of robbing the people of their rights to dignity and decency] to be a political careerist and opportunistic defrauder of the rights of millions of people who are and have been in involuntary poverty, destitution in Britain for years and even longer. So long as DESMOND – or for that matter the ‘rest’ of ‘Fleet Street’ – keep shielding the real villains [the placemen and placewomen as ministers in CONDEM and in other varieties of ‘Government’ who in fact front the even realler [there is another coinage by your diagnostic commentator] agenda-setters namely the Big Business Military Industrial Complex and their assortments of agents, stooges across both ‘Whitechapel’ and in local agencies including inside the locally “elected” Councils, and regional assemblies] there cannot be the environment that is very urgently needed whereby the democratic voices of the people thus economically disenfranchised can be effectively, sustainably and credibly heard and the appropriate rules, regulations and legislation can be put in place and updated so that there is no denial of rights, no hunger, no destitution and most emphatically no starvation.
The DESMOND media will NOT campaign for such change either centrally or via the elected House of Commons or the elected charades of regional assemblies or indeed their still ‘continuing’ local boroughs and or parish versions .
With the DESMOND-like agenda being pursued by the “rest’ of “Fleet Street’, STARVATION in Britain will not only continue but it will get wider spread than the SUNDAY EXPRESS splash recognises today.
[To be continued]

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