Thursday 21 April 2011

Kay Jordan has personally shown human care for the community under CONDEM attacks [3]

Kay Jordan has personally shown human care for the community under CONDEM attacks [3]
AADHIKAROnline © Muhammad Haque London Report for KHOODEELAAR! Campaign .
UPDATED post here at 1755 [1745] GMT Thursday 21 April 2011.

Harun Miah, a local community businessman based in the Hanbury Street, off Brick Lane London E1, has spoken of his gratitude to Kay Jordan who has been a rare human being. Kay Jordan’s qualities have been felt by all who have known her in the Brick Lane London E1 area. Harun Miah is one of them. He has spoken a few times with deep sense of gratitude for all the humanity that Kay Jordan has shown. Harun Miah is not alone. All his close friends and colleagues in the area feel the same way. The span of Kay Jordan’s sustaining approach to the people in the area can be imagined whenever someone like Harun Miah speaks.
To understand the special qualities of universal humanity that Kay Jordan has shown to so many people in the East End, it is instructive to recall an event that had taken place way back in the 1980s.
I am leaving out the distressing details of the incident 'near' what was then known as the ‘Alma’ Public House in the Hanbury Street
We spoke yesterday [Wednesday 20 April; 2011] about that incident.
It was one of hundreds that took place in that decade where a certain type of ‘indigenous’ ‘person controlling shops and similar amenities’ based in the Hanbury Street had given rise to racially charged locally engaged hostilities and confrontations and tensions that lasted for a long time.
What a breath of fresh air even the mention of the name Kay Jordan represents when compared to that sort of person! [To be continued].

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