Thursday 21 April 2011

Harun Miah [Md Harun Miah] paying thanks to Kay Jordan

1130 [1125]
[1115] [1110]
[1055] Hrs GMT


AADHIKARonline © Muhammad Haque London REPORT for the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign in defence of the community in the East End of London against the agenda of the Big Business Military Industrial Complex CROSSRAIL

Harun Miah has known Kay Jordans all his working life as a businessman in the Brick Lane London E1 area, as he in effect says in the clip too.
To view the video visit the youtube URL

So what is knowing Kay Jordan about?
On the basis of pure evidence, it is to witness a phenomenon in action. Kay Jordan is a phenomenon. A phenomenal human being of universal appeal in the most humane and human way possible in the context of our world today. I could easily coin a thousand positive phrases to laud the phenomenal Kay Jordan the human being. I could start by declaring: “KAY JORDAN IS A BANNER for some of the most important battles for the community that have been fought and interestingly won, locally in the East End in the past thirty years!”
[To be continued]

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