Thursday 21 April 2011

Diagnosing a symptoms of Big Biz agenda influencing the Crossrail feature in the Google search engine agenda [1]

Diagnosing a symptoms of Big Biz agenda influencing the Crossrail feature in the Google search engine agenda [1]

0430 [0425] [0415]
[0410] [0405] Hrs GMT
21 April 2011:
Editor © Muhammad Haque.
KHOODEELAAR! Update on the crassness of the touts peddling Big Business agenda via the London Crossrail scam will appear here during the day. One of the overdue updates will focus on the continuing ‘good news’ money that Google has maintained for Crossrail. This is not a secret any more. Google follows an agenda that is very identical to that followed by any 'conventional' 'nation state' or comparable state. So the question is: why is Google search engine so persistent in showing Crossrail in such a ferociously positive light? The answer must be one word: Deal. The question then arises: deal with who? The answer must include “Boris Johnson”. The next question is: What is the deal with Boris Johnson about? The answer must include: the “reelection-in-the-name-of-London” for Boris the flaunted in London and the agenda that propels the likes of Boris to be parties in the maintenance of the “big infrastructure” slogans. Boris is a known tool in the propaganda that includes phrases like “ world class city” which is another way of saying that Big Banks are absolutely entitled to loot the ordinary public. So keep the big looters in London even if that cost the ordinary public £Billions. The same goes for the 2012 Games Hosting scams. As Khoodeelaar! has exclusively, accurately diagnosed and been vindicated on, the 2012 Games adventure was NOT about helping the ordinary people in the East End of London. We have exposed that line peddled by Big Business touts to be the lie that it was and has been. The same is true of the lie that they have been peddling for Big Biz scam Crossrail. We are saying that it is NOT about helping ordinary people. If ordinary people get any access from any “Crossrail-linked-changes”, that will be as a peripheral result of the agenda pushers providing the real facilities for Big Business. In the East End of London as well as in the rest of London and in the rest of the UK. The campaign against the big lies by the big Business and against all identifiable incidents and traces and symptoms of their lies must be maintained for the basic inalienable;e human rights fo ordinary people in the East End of London and in the rest of the Metropolis and of the UK. [To be continued]

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