Friday 22 April 2011

SACK the elected and the appointed parasites in the UK Parliament and their locally sited co-stooges of Big Business who are abusing the ‘vote’ con

Muhammad Haque
COMMENT as published on the web site of the London NEW STATESMAN on
22 April 2011
at 11:06 [UK local Time]

SACK the elected and the appointed parasites in the UK Parliament and their locally sited co-stooges of Big Business who are abusing the ‘vote’ con of all systems and start the movement for peoples' democracy in Britain NOW

The COMMENT rejects the paraded plea for a so-called alternative vote system for election to the UK parliament as scheduled for 05 May 2011
The COMMENt is a comprehensive and brief survey of the democracy deficit that has afflicted society in Britain for a long time
The way forward, according to the Muhammad Haque comment this morning on the NEW STATESMAN, is for ordinary people to take acton ourselves. The acton is spelt out in summary in the texts of the COMMENT, reproduced in full below

Nothing that Nick Clegg has done either as an MP or as Cameron's image-accessory evidentially let alone ethically far less universally accountably should persuade voters to realistically accept that he is telling the truth on his latest farce! But then there is nothing that his current Party, the Lib Dems, has done as a whole in the House of Commons to show that they constitute a coherent, necessary, ethically sound and accountable constitutional pogramme to make society better and enable justice, fairness and safety for ordinary people in their communities and on their estates to come into being through the Lib Dems’ governance.
This is true centrally as it is locally.
Say NO to Nick Clegg and vote out the tricksters of CONDEM. Start the movement for a just, democratic and accountable society in Britain. Stop the MPs, the peers’ and the CONDEMs’ role as stooges of Big Business Military Industrial Complex and their irresponsible, wasteful indulgences in warmongering.
Hold the colluding MPs to account by democratically, constitutionally and sustainably sacking them at the earliest opportunities.
Start the movement of local, regional and uk wide democracy and accountability by publicly asking the elected post holders questions about what the people need and in what particulars the elected ones are failing to deliver on all the needs and on all their pre-poll pledges, promises and ‘assurances’.

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