Thursday 3 March 2011

KHOODEELAAR! diagnostics of UK Economy is now VINDICATED by the Transport Committee of the UK House of Commons! How historic is that???

0500 Hrs GMT
03 March 2011
By © Muhammad Haque
KHOODEELAAR! diagnostics of UK Economy is now VINDICATED by the Transport Committee of the UK House of Commons! How historic is that? For a start, it is still as racist as it ever has been. So why has the racist bunch admitted something that must have pained them to do? Acknowledge that the KHOODEELAAR! campaign has not been right but that it has been ahead of all; of them, INCLUDING the expensively suppressed Eddington report?
Here is the summarised updaters on the whole HOLE thing. [Yes! There have always ben TWO holes in the Crossrail hole!]
For a start, it was Khoodeelaar! that exclusively reported on the MANY lies being perpetrated by the Big Biz agenda backers and touts who were worried that Eddington had found AGAINST their touting and advised Gordon Brown to NOT fund Crossrail.
It was Khoodeelaar! that EXPOSED the London GUARDIAN [Editor Alan Rusbridger, political 'proprietor' Polly Toynbee!] when the Guardian lied for Crossrail and published a pre-emptive account against the Eddington report only hours BEFORE Eddington formally published that report.
It was KHOODEELAAR! also that exclusively published the Findings of our own exclusive and original investigation into the lies being told on the BBC by the BBC London ‘Transport’ reporter Andrew Winstanley who was in post at the time. We exposed BBC London reporter Andrew Winstanley's lies that Eddington had been enthusiastically backing Crossrail. That was NEVER the case at all. Eddington did NOT back Crossrail. It was also KHOODEELAAR! that followed up, on and since 05 October 2007 the corroboration broadcast by Channel 4 News on that date that Eddington had ADVISED Gordon Brown against Crossrail Two years before that, KHOODEELAAR! also reported, exclusively so far [ as tested and verified by the evidence of five years of publishing records taken into account and contextually audited via online research and monitoring of all ‘mainstream’ UK media outlets] that the USA Publisher FORBES had also accurately summarised the key contents of the Eddington report. Khoodeelaar! the comprehensive campaign for the democratic defence of the economic, social, environmental rights, needs and priorities of the ordinary people in the East End of London has been leading the constitutional movement as part of the defence of the community on all key aspects.
It is now almost five years since Eddington reported his findings. In those five years, NOT A SINGLE ONE of the ‘mainstream’ media outlets in the UK nor a single individual who allegedly even opposed one aspect of Crossrail anywhere in the UK has said a single thing about, let alone for the ROLE played by Eddington in the context of the planning, the funding and the peddling of the Crossrail scam.
Only the KHOODEELAAR! campaign has mentioned Eddington and stated the key findings in context.
Now, for the first time, Louise Ellman, the dubious role-playing ‘Chair’ of the UK House of Commons Transport 'select' [!!!!] committee has added her name to the very small list of those who ‘recognise’ Eddington.
How so?
We shall be examine the reason and the implication of Ellman’s ‘discovery’ of Eddington and through that, Ellman’s confession that she has been with the deniers for years who have lied and have failed to admit the pioneering work and the central analytical and constitutional and democratic and economically sustainable role Khoodeelaar! campaign has been playing.
[To be continued]

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