Wednesday 2 March 2011


1410 Hrs GMT
02 March 2011
THE POVERTY that Tower Hamlets Council CREATES
INVESTIGATION By © ©Muhammad Haque
Tower Hamlets council in East London is regularly listed as the or one of the most deprived borough[s] in all of England.
This is factually true. By almost all the major criteria of measuring poverty, the ordinary Tower Hamlets person falls in that category. Or the majority of the people in this borough do.
In fact it is this undeniable fact of high level of deprivation, low achievement and low social amenities, poor health and life expectancy and high incidence of all manner of illnesses and the propensity to those that has guaranteed Tower Hamlets an almost permanent place at the very top of the most undesirable list: the really economically and socially and environmentally deprived population in the entire United Kingdom. Once that fact is recited, most often routinely and as part of the annual or the periodic funding bids and negotiations that take place between the ‘local Council’ and the UK Central Government [and anything in between like meagre sums put on offer via the so-called Greater London Assembly and the London ‘mayor’ and or the various EU-linked agencies], no real initiative is taken by the Council to create fundamental and sustainable change to the economic or the social state of the persons pushed into involuntary impoverishment.
Instead the Council indulges in making propaganda claims at regular intervals almost entirely to register the FACT THAT TOWER HAMLETS is one of the country’s most deprived boroughs! The sole purpose for this claim is to keep the attention focussed on the fact of deprivation. Not on doing anything that engages the people pushed into deprivation in a really sustainable action to overcome and reverse the deprivation. This then is very briefly how Tower Hamlets is DEGENERATING the DEPRIVED.

NEXT: What the woman at the counter told an overcrowded family needing proper housing to do with its ‘too many bright children’!

[To be continued]

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