Thursday 3 March 2011

Five years ago on Wednesday 01 March 2006 Defending the community in the East End against big business agenda Crossrail hole attack.

Five years ago on Wednesday 01 March 2006 Defending the community in the East End against big business agenda Crossrail hole attack.

ABOUT THIS ACTION ANNIVERSARY KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole Campaign demo PHOTO [on the panel, to the right of this piece]....Five years ago on Wednesday 01 March 2006 Defending the community in the East End against big business agenda Crossrail hole attack. Demonstration on Wednesday 01 March 2006 outside Mulberry Place, Tower Hamlets Council ‘town hall’ against the Council clique’s Crossrail hole-inviting complicity, ‘deals’ and denials. Pictured [below, left, holding mouth piece] addressing the very hectic demo on that day is Louise Alexander [at the time representing the Weavers ward on the Council] while Organiser Muhammad Haque [right of picture] holds the familiar Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Campaign loudhailer.

[To be continued]

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