Saturday 19 February 2011

How is Ed Miliband being used by antidemocratic elements to continue the suppress democratic voices in the inner cities in Britain in February 2011

Exclusive historical diagnosis and updater report on the role played by Ken Livingstone in the 1980s in London in creating an antidemocratic servile ‘press’ that was entirely dependent on funding from the then Greater London Council [GLC].. and which servility destroyed the universal democratic fervour that would have been present in the pages of the small scale news titles and periodicals small groups of [initially passionate campaigners] without exception came from the Asian and African origins and backgrounds...
The neutralising of those campaigners was an act of gross outrage against democracy.....
A quarter of a century on, Ken Livingstone is still at it. In fact on 6 February 2010, Livingstone was featuring in a propaganda slot on a 21st century version of the ‘ethnicity linked’ and ‘GLC-funded’ ‘media’ as he made an intervention against democracy in Tower Hamlets. Livingstone was being shown [Saturday 06 February 2010] as calling for the scrapping of councillors in the democratic context when he called for the introduction and installation of an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets. A few years earlier, Livingstone had called for the scrapping of the democratic remits and say of elected London borough councils. When he was in post in London in the name of the people of London, Livingstone behaved as if he had nothing but contempt for London local councils. This came to the fore whenever Livingstone found any significant resistance to planning permission he was intent on giving to Big Business interests seeking to rob and or contaminate and or destroy London’s environment....

1905 Hrs GMT
By © Muhammad Haque

The particular 'event' staged in the past week in the UK Houses of parliament buildings featuring Ed Miliband and the ‘Speaker’ of the House of Commons as toadies being feted by some bizarre ‘ethnicity linked’ outfit in London appears to have been linked with a man who was one of the main recipients of the 'ethnicity linked' 'grants' that the former Greater London Council [GLC] in the early 1980s.

The GLC, as led by Ken Livingstone, was getting almost always favourable coverage in the ‘ethnicty-linked’ ‘newspapers’ published by the ‘ethnic entrepreneurs’. It was that coverage that played THE DECISIVE role in creating the myth that Ken Livingstone was THE FRIEND of the ‘ethnic’ communities. The words and the terms ‘ethnic’ and ‘ethnic minorities’ in the context of London in the years 1981-1986 denoted without substantial variation the communities of people in inner London boroughs who came from Asia and or Africa and in the context of Hackney, Brent, Lambeth, Islington and Southwark from various islands in the Caribbean where the British colonialists had ruled for centuries. The nearest and the only other ‘community’ whose collective image was being literally pressed into serving the propaganda purpose of Ken Livingstone was broadly speaking the one with backgrounds in Ireland and in ‘Northern’ Ireland. [To be continued]

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