Saturday 19 February 2011

The East End action in concert with the democratic wave that is spreading across north and north east Africa, Asia-1

2140 Hrs GMT
19 February 2011
Editor © Muhammad Haque

The East End action in concert with the democratic wave that is spreading across north and north east Africa, Asia

In fact the East End of London has been the setting of pro-democracy action for decades.So how is it that this isn’t mentioned by the BBC? Or by the ITV or by Rupert Murdoch's SKY news network? In fact, how is it that the printed symbol [and now ‘aggressively ferociously liberally’ on the Internet] the Guardian does not recognise this?

The answer is that all of these institutions and agencies have got a lot to lose if democratic actions in the inner cities as represented by the democratic activities in the East End of London are recognised.

These agencies will lose in the sense that their roles will be exposed in the process of the truth being told about other agencies and about the stage and its local and regional operations as against the democratic demands and desires ofd ordinary people.

Take the sad case of the Guardian, London, ‘front-controlled’ [this word is devised here and now by AADHIKAR Media] partly by Alan Rusbridger's and ‘wife’ Lindsey Mackie and by Polly Toynbee and assorted other subsidiary fronters on the other hand. Despite overwhelming evidence that the Guardian has been for DECADES suppressing the truth about the fact and the extent of the squalor and the denials and the hardships being caused in Britain by those with controlling powers and influence on what happens to the public resources and to public rights, entitlements, despite undeniable evidence that democracy is being routinely suppressed in all parts of Britain, despite overwhelmingly objectively verifiable evidence that successive regimes. ententes, alliances and Collusions fronting the forces in control of the powers in the UK have been violating all major obligations that are required by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and various related international charters, the GUARDIAN suppresses the main facts and denies the truth.

And yet the Guardian continues to be cited as “the liberal” British media outlet.
How is THAT possible?
How is THAT done?

For an answer, take a look at this week’s GUARDIAN’s role in suppressing the truth of the lies that the CONDEM Cameron mounted on the UK’s most deprived people from a platform based in, yes, in THE BRICK LANE area itself.

[To be continued]

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