Sunday 20 February 2011

CAMERON uses ‘Toynbee Hall’ in London E1 as a Weapon of Mass Starvation [WMS] as he targets the ‘new’ natives in the East End for a big poverty hole..

0645 Hrs GMT
20 February 2011.
By © Muhammad Haque.
CAMERON uses ‘Toynbee Hall’ in London E1 as a Weapon of Mass Starvation [WMS] as he targets the ‘new’ natives in the East End who will be thrown into an even bigger hole of poverty than any that Major, Thatcher had been able to justify during the TWO DECADES of THEIR control at UK Central PLC.
It hasn’t hit the headlines yet but Ed Miliband is in essence backing Cameron’s agenda.
We shall examine the evidence and show how a Bliared Party MP has been backing Cameron’s attacks on the poor.
And how Ed Miliband is constantly looking for diversionary platforms for parroting plausible platitudes in order to avoid having to stand up for the new targets of new poverty that CONDEM Cameron is implementing..
[To be continued]

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