Sunday 20 February 2011

CAMERON attacks.....From the GUARDIAN London Blog: A BHANGEELAAR! Campaign Comment about housing poverty in Tower Hamlets , Sunday 20 February 2011

The following comment has been accessed at 2140 Hrs GMT Sunday 20 February 2011 on the Guardian London Blog:


20 February 2011 9:14PM
Perhaps a contextual evidential background will clearly demonstrate the really serious implications of the de facto internal deportation programme flaunted by the Cameron-IDS axis by using the existing housing poverty to justify imposing even more housing poverty. In OUR ongoing survey, we have found that a significant number of ‘families and individuals’ occupying socially rented properties are PREVENTED from pursing their ordinary lives due to the INSECURITY on the estates. This is something we have pointed out before. We can observe that this element has been missing from the speeches that Cameron has made and those that IDS has made. We go back to the years when IDS was being programmed to appear as the ‘preacher-faced’ future martial law administrator [against the inner cities involuntarily poor] when he was chanting the mantra of ‘the broken society’. Now that he is engaged in breaking what remains of society, it is important to examine the evidence. Today’s SUNDAY TELEGRAPH and the DAILY MAIL Group are running the item prominently saying that rapists and killers have sought housing benefits by using the ‘human rights ‘ court. What are they meaning by that? The answer was uttered by Talksport presenter Ian Collins who appeared as a newspaper reviewer on the BBC News Channel last night. According to him, that report left no doubt any longer that housing benefit had become a top national economic problem that could not be allowed to remain unresolved. He gave no evidence. Nor has Cameron. So where is the Official Parliamentary Opposition to CONDEM Cameron demanding evidence on that?
2115 Hrs
The Campaign against an elected executive mayor in Tower Hamlets ["]

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