Saturday 19 February 2011

Who is framing Ed Miliband AND John Bercow into playing a role about ‘local Tower Hamlets politics’ that is being plotted by secretive agencies?

Who is framing Ed Miliband AND John Bercow into playing a role about ‘local Tower Hamlets politics’ that is being plotted by some strange and unaccountable secret elements?

Who is 'framing' UK House of Commons 'Speaker' John Bercow in the increasingly odd ‘ethnicty-linked’ 'awards' 'events' and such like, being staged somewhere inside or near the ‘Palace of Westminster’?

1045 [1040] [1000] Hrs GMT
19 February 2011
By © Muhammad Haque
It is only a matter of time before the London DAILY MAIL brings to readers another scintillating item featuring Sally Bercow, the highly-publicity-linked ‘spouse’ of the UK’s almost as ‘newsworthy’ Speaker John Bercow.
One of the most important things john Bercow has in his real CV is the fact that he played a very central propaganda role as part of the Federation of Conservative Students [FCS]. The FCS may not feature as an important thing in John Bercow's official bio data these days but he has never distanced himself from the racist ideology of the FCS that was so central in the assaults on the human rights of the people that the FCS had targeted in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
This week it was John Bercow himself who again featured in what appears to have become an ethnicty-linked lobbying route ‘into the UK Parliament’. This diversionary indulgence in antidemocratic peddling has been seen in the utterances that the Official Opposition MPs’ leader Ed Miliband made at an event , apparently organised by another ’ethnicity-linked’ ‘media’ ‘group’.
AADHIKAR Media will shortly be updating our examination of the ethnicty-linked media groups in the context of their activities in and around London over the past decades.
Back to the past week and the role that Ed Miliband appears to have been ill-advised into playing when he made an appearance at the event.
In the appearance, Ed Miliband apparently made utterances that suggest that he supported the view that there should be more people in public life in effect representing the ethnicty-linked composition of the UK Society at present.
The accounts seen so far by AADHIKAR Media so far do not show any evidence that Miliband was referring to Tower Hamlets, as such. Although it has also been confirmed that there were several individuals who could be linked to aspects of ‘public life’ connected to the inner city East London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
The staged event had no democratic linkage to the ordinary lives of the people in Tower Hamlets. Yet strangely, another ‘statement’ was made in the name of Tower Hamlets Council and apparently claiming yet again a huge success and achievement ‘for the people of Tower Hamlets’ ‘by Tower Hamlets Council’. As has become apparent in the past year or so, there was neither a democracy representative nor a legitimate source present to challenge that one-sided propaganda for the Tower Hamlets Council.
As if that were not bad enough for those struggling to hold to democratic audit and local accountability the controlling clique in Tower Hamlets Council.. the Official Opposition MPs’ leader Ed Miliband has been juxtaposed in images as if he is now endorsing the conduct and the composition and the propaganda being promoted for the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council. We shall be examining and updating on that clique further in view fo the ‘Budget’ formalities scheduled for the middle fo the coming week.

Back to Ed Miliband's appearance, whoever orchestrated or lobby-ed into being.

Ed Miliband is being careless if he thinks that making appearances at these events and issuing statements of the sort he has reportedly made at the event concerned as staged this week in the Palace of Westminster or in its vicinity, is a democratically accountable and legitimate use of the privileges and links that area available to him by the facts of his being an MP as well as the leader of the Official Opposition Party in the present Parliament.
The carelessness is multifaceted.
Firstly because those getting him to appear on these stages are not doing any favours to the democratic and the economic, social and ethical needs,m rights, preferences and concerns let alone demands of the anonymous collections of ordinary people in whose ethnicty-linked and packaged names they are doing their business. This raises the question: Does Ed Miliband know the difference between the invited crowds of alleged ethnicty-linked ‘representatives’ AND the communities of ordinary people out in the communities? There is no evidence to show that Ed Miliband knows this when it matters in the context of the suppression of democratic legitimacy by the Bliared Party bureaucracy of which he is now ‘the leader’ in the context of Tower Hamlets and as being churned out via certain ethnicty-linked but highly dubious and inauthentic outlets as still licensed by the official ‘regulatory’ agencies in place “to regulate the conduct of the media” in the UK. That regulation is absent as far as the contens, the thrust and the disservice to democracy in the inner cities generally and in this context in Tower Hamlets is concerned.

[To be continued]

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