Friday 28 January 2011

Nowhere is the poverty-creation programme going on as rampantly as it is in the Borough of Tower Hamlets.

1228 [1225] [1200] Hrs GMT
28 January 2011.
Editor © Muhammad Haque.
How far is the “City of London” from the inner city. ‘deprived’ East End of London? Not far at all;. In fact the “City of London” is almost upon the East End, so far and far reaching has been its agenda of take-over and occupation! This has not however changed the centuries long tactics or agenda of exploitation and looting that have taken place in the iniquitous relationship.
The ideology of caprice, greed, avarice and immorality and acquisition is as rampant in the behaviour of the “City of London” today as it always has been.
And in her daily struggle to keep the greedy ones away from the ordinary people typically inhabiting the Brick Lane London E1 area, Kay Jordan in the past 30 years has had to deal with some of the most immoral “city of London” profiteers. We shall UPDATE on that battle, starting with one particular assailant [Oops! “City of London” “entrepreneur”!].
As a contextual introduction to that OVERDUE UPDATE, we shall take a detailed look at the role of the lower courts in the English judicial system in CREATING poverty, hardship, dispossession in the inner city areas.
Nowhere is the poverty-creation programme going on as rampantly as it is in the Borough of Tower Hamlets.

[To be continued]

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