Friday 28 January 2011

DAILY MAIL and Times begin to echo the KHOODEELAAR! campaign's investigative work that had exposed the dishonesty of City of London interests...

DAILY MAIL and Times begin to echo the KHOODEELAAR! campaign's investigative work that had exposed the dishonesty of City of London interests...

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28 January 2011
By © Muhammad Haque
Organiser, KHOODEELAAR! No “to Crossrail hole...” Campaign.
With the CONDEM assault on Society in the UK looking very exposed as it unravels, the East End of London can note yet another vindication of the accurate diagnosis which the Khoodeelaar! campaign had been making of the behaviour and the related, conduct-linked personalities of a number of key players long before they were thought to be heading for the spotlight that they are in now.
The UK CONDEM finance minister George Osborne’s admission to Channel 4 News, just broadcast, that “more investment” was needed to get the UK economy anywhere near the level where the German economy was performing at present again illustrates the utter lack of sense in the CONDEM ‘economic recovery policy’! Why? Because Osborne only uttered his string of slogans after Channel 4 News Economics editor Faisal Islam pointed out the “relatively better performance” by the German economy. Moments previously, Faislal Islam had referred to the US economy too doing better than the UK one under the CONDEM regime. Osborne looked blank. In fact he looked blank throughout the “interview” that he went through with Faisal Islam. Apart from anything else, he would look a complete fool if he made any move to physically get off from the encounter with Faisal islam and the Channel 4 News camera crew.

Osborne was challenged on his blaming the snow of the last quarters economic performance.
The Khoodeelaar! campaign against Big Business agenda Crossrail hole assault had warned seven years ago this month that the scam was being driven by people who were using the transport slogan to actually loot and rob the UK public.
For seven years, KHOODEELAAR! campaign has diagnosed reach and every key evidence and has published the findings. Not a single one of the mainstream parties has backed us in that time. Yet on all key counts, the Khoodeelaar! diagnosis has been proven correct and our conclusions vindicated.
As it is again vindicated today [Friday 28 January 2011].
This is on the Times newspaper front page today. As it is also online on the Daily Mail web portal.
Today’s ‘mainstream media’ coverage also reinforces the Khoodeelaar! campaign analysis maintained for the past seven years of the behaviour of the ‘railway bureaucracy’. We found evidence pretty early on as we set of to stop that the ones who were fronting the propaganda label ‘Crossrail’ were lying. Their lying meant that they could not be trusted on anything they they said. Neither on the unspecified, vaguely uttered benefits that they were saying the East End would receive from “Crossrail” nor on the reasoning for the Crossrail hole route that constituted the central threat to this part of London. A key aspect of their lying was unearthed by Kay Jordan who deployed her engineering, design and architectural prowess in her determination to find the truth beyond the lies that we were being told. Kay came across the ‘little known’ matter of the Heron Tower. We were in the first part of 2004 when Kay began exploring. By the time the full extent and the implications of the role played by ‘the Heron Tower’ in the Crossrail hole plan against the Brick Lane London E1 area, our campaign had already established the main parameters and set out the defining details of the democratic case against Crossrail. It was still a long while before the SUNDAY TIMES insignificantly caught up on the Heron Tower link. But they did it to aid and abet Boris Johnson. Their angle was the link that one of the Guinness trial jailbirds [by now ‘ex’ jail bird] had with Ken Livingstone. The SUNDAY TIMES didn’t publish anything about our campaign. Yet it was our campaign that had made the Heron Tower at all a ‘public interest issue’! Khoodeelaar! was again vindicated because we had argued for more than four years already that the “City of London” “interests” had untenable links with the still actively-in-office [‘incumbent’ doesn’t say as much, does it as ‘still actively in office’] [in the name of the people of London] Ken Livingstone.
[To be continued]

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