Friday 28 January 2011

KHOODEELAAR! campaign’s diagnostic assertion: “railway” bureaucracy in Britain is corrupt...

2210 Hrs GMT
28 january 2011.
By © Muhammad Haque.
One of the KHOODEELAAR! campaign’s diagnostic and evidential pillars has been our still active assertion that the “railway” bureaucracy in Britain is corrupt to the core. Today’s “news’ featured on the Times front-page merely touches the surface. KHOODEELAAR! has said since January 20904 that Crossrail has been a front for the corrupt cabal that actually holds most of the powerful positions in the UK’s railway bureaucracy.
The front-page of the TOWER HAMLETS RECORDER dated 27 October 2004 was devoted to the first KHOODEELAAR! demonstration held in the Greatorex Street against the complicity of the Tower Hamlets Council’s ‘leadership’ with Crossrail hole attacks on the community . The main montage features Kay Jordan holding a campaign banner that Kay herself had helped design to show the effects on the Brick Lane London E1 area of the then planned Dirt Hole......[To be continued]

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