Saturday 29 January 2011

Brick Lane campaigners send message of solidarity to all campaigners who are just setting off! Khoodeelaar! enters the 8th year of saying No!

2015 [1940] Hrs GMT
29 January 2011
By © Muhammad Haque
Today is Saturday. 29 January 2011. SEVEN years ago today, the last Saturday of January 2004 was dated 31st. Two days and dates apart. On this day the KHOODEELAAR! campaign completes SEVEN years of activities defending the East End of London in particular against the Big Business agenda Crossrail hole scam attack.
The defence continues.
The campaign defending the East End has been defined by our accurate location of it in and around the community’s frontline Brick Lane. That definition has been essentially prompted by the overwhelming evidence of the size, the shape and the calculations contained in the package of attack that was being mounted via the Crossrail hole plot.
That plot had been fabricated during the four years prior to January 2004 by the recruitment of touts from the institutional embodiment of ‘electoral representation’ that is the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council. The Khoodeelaar! Campaign policy was also based on the evidence that was undeniably accessible.
That evidence was that the controlling clique on the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council.. had been colluding with the big Business interest that had floated the idea that a massive hole should be dug through the Brick Lane area in order to enable some City of London interest to profit from the loss that the East End would be caused! Khoodeelaar! has stopped that dirt hole attack. Other implications are still ongoing and so is the Khoodeelaar! campaign. In these updates marking the completion of seven years of Khoodeelaar! we shall be recounting the battle;e so far and updating the relevant parts of the history and the record. [To be continued]

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