Thursday 27 January 2011

East End Council is diagnosed here as being partly responsible for CREATING additional poverty in Tower Hamlets...

1245 Hrs GMT
27 January 2011
By © Muhammad Haque
When Tower Hamlets Council’s controlling bureaucracy, aided and abetted by transient postholders and or ‘democratic representatives’ [!!] , is in fact engaged in creating ADDITIONAL poverty in the Borough, whatever it spouts out showing alleged concern ‘against’ cuts, must be treated as untruthfully proffered.
Tower Hamlets London borough is, after all, one of inner city ‘most deprived’ category areas that houses some of the most dishonest and corrupt perpetrators of social exclusion, discrimination amounting to ongoing degeneration. It is for this reason that “youth unemployment” remains persistently high in Tower Hamlets.
As does the other main category of alleged dependency - which is not so much a dependency as a cul de sac created by the combined corruption of the cabal controlling the democratically deficit Council that is fast descending into a deep irreparable degeneration of its own. Once Tower Hamlets Council is DEMONSTRATED as a failing Council, it will be only a matter of time before it is ‘officially branded’ untenable and then IN EFFECT made FULLY dysfunctional.
That is the possibility that all key factors now in play are leading to. This state of “locally elected’ democracy done down by degenerate bureaucracy” has not happened overnight, no matter what the zombified mouthpieces may be seen muttering on the subject. The onset of degeneration taking over where democracy should have prevailed took place decades earlier. It follows then that today's grim picture about high youth unemployment in Tower Hamlets and equally high percentages of people and families in poverty or low income have been EMBRACED by the corrupt bureaucracy in control of the Council.


One reason is that the higher the incidence and the volume of poverty the stronger is the ‘case’ the Council can make for central Government funding.

This alone is a cycle of deprivation that has been in parts deliberately set off by the corrupt cabala over the past decades...

[To be continued]

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