Thursday 27 January 2011

The battle continues with renewed resolve defending the community in the East End of London

Kay Jordan: a universal role model
forged in the battle grounds
defending the East End of London.
The Battle continues!

1045 [0950] Hrs GMT London Thursday 27 January 2011.
By © Muhammad Haque.
Kay Jordan seen [on 18 October 2010] with glasses in the picture published next to this up[date making accurate notes of proceedings that concerned the role of the local Tower Hamlets Council . Kay has attended more mundane boring meetings than she has had hot meals, so to speak. And all in the cause of collecting the evidence so that the people would get a fair say on what their representatives should deliver after fleecing them for all their votes and for all their good faiths! In one self-deprecating human being. Kay Jordan has managed to combine the virtues of many morally straight people who can actually claim to be also active in implementing their visions for society From taking a voluntary salary cut for years to going without most of life’s amenities, Kay Jordan has been the struggle for the community personified! She has thought the right thoughts, she has done the right deeds and she has dreamt the right dreams for the future of the people in the East End of London. Kay Jordan has been universal in her outlook.

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