Wednesday 26 January 2011

Tower Hamlets Council is using the cuts agenda as pretext to depress the community even more.

1230 Hrs GMT
26 January 2011
By © Muhammad Haque
The poverty-creating assault by CONDEM continues as many in Tower Hamlets are experiencing. Tower Hamlets Council is using the cuts agenda as pretext to depress the community even more.
What with George Osborne blaming the weather for the dire data released yesterday confirming the CONDEM Collusion’s economic failures, the so-called “regeneration” of the inner city areas typified by Tower Hamlets has been hitting the buffers every day.
The train of fantasy “regeneration” that is the Crossrail propaganda has been again given yet another spin this week, with Boris Johnson making yet another contradictory and facile statement in justification of the Section 106 penalty that he is adding to the list of looting tax that he has been foisting on the ordinary people.
Boris Johnson has been unable to make a coherent statement let alone deliver a policy consistent with the economic capacity of the community ion London. He is and will remain an organ for the promotion of the Big Business interest that has been running the ‘London mayor’ and the agenda of that post holder ever since the diversionary wasteful bureaucracy was created by Blair ten years ago.
If Boris Johnson has been failing to deliver economic sustainability for the people across London so has every single local Council in inner city London.
The behaviour of Tower Hamlets Council.. has been as dishonest, unrepresentative of the people and as unaccountable this past quarter [here referring to George Osborne weather-faked lies uttered yesterday Tuesday 25 January 2011] as it was being in the previous quarters, years and even decades.
But this is not being reported by any of the known media. Neither the “local” press - which now includes the Big Biz agenda-peddling ‘titles’ {names of ‘newspapers and magazines’} published from addresses sited in what they falsely and misleading persist in calling “the Dockhands” when in truth the area concerned is still the same one that used to be known as the Isle of Dogs very much in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets] - nor the ‘national” “mainstream” media is even reporting this, let alone investigating the nature and the implications of what is going on. AADHIKAR Media is covering this exclusively.
And we shall be reporting on the empirical studies being conducted on the reality of Tower Hamlet Council creating news and additional poverty in the Borough.
We shall draw on the work of the ALLVOLUNTEERSNEWS which has been actively engaged in the empirical studies over the years.
ALLVOLUNTEERSNEWS is one of the initiatives jointly founded in the Brick Lane London E1 area by Kay Jordan in the past 24 months. [To be continued]

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