Thursday 20 January 2011

BRICK LANE TODAY updating on the ignorance, prejudice and disservice that 'FLeet Street' has been doing to the East End of London [1]

0910 [0850] Hrs GMT
22 January 2011.
Editor © Muhammad Haque.
Andy Coulson.
How is Coulso connected to the East End of London?
Brick Lane, top be precise? What would David Cameron’s spin-Murdoch [another word devised here and now] [meaning the same thing as the official faker and propagandist] do with a still photo handed him by any one of the four ‘Fleet Street’ types spotted in Brick Lane yesterday afternoon, lances at the ready?
What was the quartet doing hanging about in and off Brick Lane? And whose secret agenda was being furthered by the creepy shorts at least one of them took of the ‘likely suspect faces’? Those faces often have been the ones with Asian [oops! ‘south’ Asian] backgrounds, preferably wearing a cap and looking easily non-European! A beard, grey or greying, would add to the assortment listed in the zombifiers’ guide! The shortest one of the four photographers zoomed in on one such ‘face’ as he nervously surveyed the length of Brick Lane expecting to ‘catch and capture’ a member of the ‘suspect species’! How much would such a face fetch him? Would Murdoch pay more than the Mail? Who would commission the texts? Who would authorise the ‘caption’? Where would the syndicators flog the finished foto featuring the face fraudulently framed by a member of the fraternity of fakers let loose on a London street that is now at the top of the list of urban locations in the UK that have been condemned by association with an image that has been conceived of and created by the secretly installed and power-weilding violators of society secretly setting the agenda to suppress liberty, to fragment society and to create crises across societies... [To be continued] By © Muhammad Haque Organiser Khoodeelaar! 1020 [0950] [0920] Hrs GMT London Thursday 20 January 2011 Boris Johnson’s latest retailing [ see for instance Johnson's’ latest reported move ] of the claim that London’s businesses must pay even more tax to fund the Crossrail scam is not news to the East End of London. Or it should not be. For the past SEVEN years, the KHOODEELAAR! campaign has been at once anticipating this sort of touting by place men and place women serving the interest of Big Business [=Big Biz] while allowing Big Biz to loot ordinary people thus keeping environmental, social and economic disparity going on and poverty persisting in the community. We have been devising the necessary evidential and empirical responses to those and going beyond the next anticipated attack so that the defence of the community continues without being diverted by the touts, agents and stooges of Big Bizness operating to sabotage the community. Our defence of the East End of London and our advocacy for it has been most widely published online and in the historic Khoodeelaar! Campaign Bulletin containing the key news and commentary circulated in the area in hard copy for the past seven years. That work is as it has been exclusive, in-depth and exhaustive. The analyses and the action programme have been consistent with the objectively defined criteria in accordance with the highest standards known to any community of people in any part of the world in the CURRENT [recent, present] decades, of morality, ethics and universally recognisable constitutionality due process and legality. One of the organisations that KHOODEELAAR! has been actively supporting as part of our defence of the community against “Big Biz agenda Crossrail hole plot.....” is the SSBA. And as part of this we have been for the seven years working with the SSBA’s director Kay Jordan. In 2006, we updated with Kay Jordan’s active participation the then basic CASE against Crossrail hole assault as had been plotted against the “Brick Lane area”. The phrase “Brick Lane area” has been empirically in existence for years before the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against Crossrail.....even began. However, the phrase was RESISTED by certain sources and elements who outwardly claimed to be also opposed to the Big Biz agenda Crossrail scam but who sought at all stages to deny the reality of the social and the objectively defined political Brick Lane of the first decade of the 21st century of the particular calendar. We shall separately and on later occasions update our account of those who had been indifferent or even hostile to the phrase “Brick lane area”. During the formative weeks, months of the founding of the KHOODEELAAR! campaign, Kay Jordan stood out as the only one among the physically present and participating “members of the local community” who was familiar with the “others” . Even at that early stage, in January and February and March 2004, Kay Jordan came across as the one possessing the universal approach. She instantly agreed that “Brick Lane area” was the most appropriate and potentially the most effective one. Events have vindicated that approach and the Khoodeelaar! campaign has been enormously enhanced by Kay Jordan’s involvement in it. In her evidence, Kay Jordan told the then “House of Commons” “Crossrail Bill” “Select Committee” about the key part that the “Brick Lane area” plays in our defence of the East End of London. QUOTING [below] from the web site of the official record of the UK Parliament: [Previous editions] 0645 [0630] [0615] Hrs GMT London Monday 17 January 2011. By © Muhammad Haque. The Movement that Kay Jordan has been supporting includes the Khoodeelaar! campaign. It was that Movement which on 17 January 2006 decided to LAUNCH the reinstatement of the universal values for a democratic East End Voice through the existing UK Parliament. It was as a result of that act that the mass media propaganda that had been unleashed by the Blairite against the then current MP for Bethnal Green and Bow was brought to an end. Khoodeelaar! declared that CONTRARY to the Blaired Party’s propaganda and the collusion by the Tories and the Lib Dems [we are referring to hysteria created in the second week of january 2006] via all the mainstream UK Media aimed at George Galloway, he [Galloway] had NOT betrayed the constituency over Crossrail. There is no disputing of the fact that Khoodeelaar! has been opposing Crossrail since January 2004. So when two years later in Hanbury 2006 some ignorant hate-mongers decided to demonise Galloway by claiming that Galloway had failed to defend the constituency on Crossrail, it HAD TO BE KHOODEELAAR! that spoke the overdue truth on that issue as well. And we did. I spoke in the Hanbury Street into a megaphone and said that those who had been making such claims that Galloway had let his constituency down by failing to attend a crucial vote in the Commons about Crossrail, were not telling the truth. I also said that Galloway HAD spoken against Crossrail hole attacks six months earlier back in July 2005. I then listed the key failings of the Blairing fakers who had been the ones that had let the Bethnal Green and Bow Constituency [in which Brick Lane London E1 and adjoining areas affected by Crossrail hole attacks as planned are situated]. Kay Jordan was not far from me. She too spoke and accurately denounced the real perpetrators who had brought on the community the threat of the devastating Crossrail hole. Kay then got into probably one of the very small number of public campaigning local events that she most enjoyed on that day: our march from hanbury Street via Spelman street through Princelet Street and Brick lane and back into the Hanbury Street. We were marking the formal sitting on that afternoon of the “House of Commons” “Crossrail hole BIll” “Select Committee” for the first time. After our demonstration and public statement setting out the facts about George Galloway’s role in echoing the Khoodeelaar! campaign in parliament upto that time, there was NO MORE references to Galloway's role on Crossrail in any of the fabrications issued about Galloway by the Blairing regime and the Blairing ideological colluders sited and consigned in the Tower Hamlets Blaired party. When that happened only then that some mysteriously silent ‘ allies’ of George Galloway began to surface once again..... They then encroached on the local scene gradually and kept on creeping about in a way that was to lead to Galloway's later experiences that are too widely known by now to be recounted here in this updater report against the Big Biz agenda Crossrail and our defence ongoing of the East End community . During this week, here, we go over the other details of the impact of the Khoodeelaar! intervention in the context of Bethnal Green and Bow in parliament in the UK and why the KHOODEELAAR! campaign's predictions have all come true as have been our diagnostic commentaries and conclusions and our findings. The campaign in defence of the East End of London goes on. We NEXT report on Kay Jordan’s appearance on the BBC Politics Show. What she said What that has meant and how she has been working to implement her ideas since 26 march 2006 when the BBC broadcast that interview. [To be continued] 0630 [0615] Hrs GMT London Monday 17 January 2011. By © Muhammad Haque. The Movement that Kay Jordan has been supporting includes the Khoodeelaar! campaign. It was that Movement which on 17 January 2006 decided to LAUNCH the reinstatement of the universal values for a democratic East End Voice through the existing UK Parliament. It was as a result of that act that the mass media propaganda that had been unleashed by the Blairite against the then current MP for Bethnal Green and Bow was brought to an end. Khoodeelaar! declared that CONTRARY top the Blaired Party’s propaganda and the collusion by the Tories and the Lib Dems [we are referring to hysteria created in the second week of january 2006] via all the mainstream UK Media aimed at George Galloway, he [Galloway] had NOT betrayed the constituency over Crossrail. There is no disputing of the fact that Khoodeelaar! has been opposing Crossrail since January 2004. So when two years later in Hanbury 2006 some ignorant hate-mongers decided to demonise Galloway by claiming that Galloway had failed to defend the constituency on Crossrail, it HAD TO BE KHOODEELAAR! that spoke the overdue truth on that issue as well. And we did. I spoke in the Hanbury Street into a megaphone and said that those who had been making such claims that Galloway had let his constituency down by failing to attend a crucial vote in the Commons about Crossrail, were not telling the truth. I also aids that Galloway HAD spoken against Crossrail hole attacks six months earlier back in July 2005. I then listed the key failings of the Blairing fakers who had been the ones that had let the Bethnal Green and Bow Constituency [in which Brick Lane London E1 and adjoining areas affected by Crossrail hole attacks as planned are situated]. Kay Jordan was not far from me. She too spoke and accurately denounced the real perpetrators who had brought on the community the threat of the devastating Crossrail hole. Kay then got into probably one of the very small number of public campaigning local events that she most enjoyed on that day: our march from hanbury Street via Spelman street through Princelet Street and Brick lane and back into the Hanbury Street. We were marking the formal sitting on that afternoon of the “House of Commons” “Crossrail hole BIll” “Select Committee” for the first time. After our demonstration and public statement setting out the facts about George Galloway’s role in echoing the Khoodeelaar! campaign in parliament upto that time, there was NO MORE references to Galloway's role on Crossrail in any of the fabrications issued about Galloway by the Blairing regime and the Blairing ideological colluders sited and consigned in the Tower Hamlets Blaired party. When that happened only then that some mysteriously silent ‘ allies’ of George Galloway began to surface once again..... They then encroached on the local scene gradually and kept on creeping about in a way that was to lead to Galloway's later experiences that are too widely known by now to be recounted here in this updater report against the Big Biz agenda Crossrail and our defence ongoing of the East End community . During this week, here, we go over the other details of the impact of the Khoodeelaar! intervention in the context of Bethnal Green and Bow in parliament in the UK and why the KHOODEELAAR! campaign's predictions have all come true as have been our diagnostic commentaries and conclusions and our findings. The campaign in defence of the East End of London goes on. We NEXT report on Kay Jordan’s appearance on the BBC Politics Show. What she said What that has meant and how she has been working to implement her ideas since 26 march 2006 when the BBC broadcast that interview.[To be continued]

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