Saturday 22 January 2011

Andy Coulson: What WOULD Coulson say about the East End of London? We update on the 'Fleet Street' agenda about the East End of London today: [1]

0910 [0850] Hrs GMT
22 January 2011.
Editor © Muhammad Haque.
Andy Coulson. How is Coulson connected to the East End of London? Brick Lane, to be precise? What would David Cameron’s spin-Murdoch [another word devised here and now] [meaning the same thing as the official faker and propagandist] do with a still photo handed him by any one of the four ‘Fleet Street’ types spotted in Brick Lane yesterday afternoon, lances at the ready? What was the quartet doing hanging about in and off Brick Lane? And whose secret agenda was being furthered by the creepy shorts at least one of them took of the ‘likely suspect faces’?
Those faces often have been the ones with Asian [oops! ‘south’ Asian] backgrounds, preferably wearing a cap and looking easily non-European! A beard, grey or greying, would add to the assortment listed in the zombifiers’ guide!
The shortest one of the four photographers zoomed in on one such ‘face’ as he nervously surveyed the length of Brick Lane expecting to ‘catch and capture’ a member of the ‘suspect species’!
How much would such a face fetch him?
Would Murdoch pay more than the Mail?
Who would commission the texts?
Who would authorise the ‘caption’?
Where would the syndicators flog the finished foto featuring the face fraudulently framed by a member of the fraternity of fakers let loose on a London street that is now at the top of the list of urban locations in the UK that have been condemned by association with an image that has been conceived of and created by the secretly installed and power-weilding violators of society secretly setting the agenda to suppress liberty, to fragment society and to create crises across societies...
[To be continued]

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