Thursday 20 January 2011

For the past SEVEN years in the context of the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign, Kay Jordan has been closely involved in the defence of the "Brick Lane area"....

By © Muhammad Haque
1340 Hrs GMT
20 January 2011
For the past SEVEN years in the context of the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign, Kay Jordan has been closely involved in the defence of the East End of London against the agenda of Big Business City of London and allied attackers and poverty-creators.
The defence of the “Brick Lane London E1 area” has also included the defence of the Whitechapel, Bethnal Green south and Stepney areas! And as the record of the Khoodeelaar! campaign so far shows, that defence also includes [& has included] the defence of the rest of the community in the electorally bureaucratically registered part of London known as the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. The Movement that Khoodeelaar! is part of is the Movement for the defence of the community against all attacks: Economic, Environmental, ‘Educational’, Social, Institutional.......
This defence is lawful. legitimate, moral. ethical, constitutional. Universal. And universally Democratic to the highest possible standard of transparency accountability and morality known in our time!
No wonder that the stooges, agents and touts of the forces of darkness that are behind the Big Business propaganda and lying have been active to spread false promises to the people and the community in the East End of London claiming that Crossrail will bring “benefits”.
It is a lying promise that they would not even bother to make - at any level of inherent dishonesty produced by their outlook and by their ideological bankruptcy and immorality- had it not been for the incontrovertible evidence we have been producing showing that Crossrail is NEVER nor has it been EVER about the transport needs of ordinary people in the East End of London but for the furtherance of the greedy and corrupting purposes of the Big Biz operatives sited at Canary Wharf and in the “City of London”.
Our Movement in defence of the community in the East End of London had sought toe expose the truth about “Canary Wharf” and the “City of London” as far back as 2000 when the then Blaired Party machine and their locally sited apparatchiks were programmed to do the zombie-like promotion that they were engaged in by chanting “Crossrail! Crossrail! Crossrail!” at their zombie gatherings and ‘in’ do’s, events and jamborees!!
They have been forced by our campaign into a corner- no, a cul de sac - of parasitic defensiveness in order to retain any semblance of claim to any vestige of legitimacy as they struggle to overcome the moral tide that is heading against them....
This is why these zombies keep on peddling that they are succeeding in cheating the community as they carry on playing that “Crossrail will bring benefits to the East End” lie in a variety of forms.
As they have been doing this week, alternating from direct promises to retreating into the indirect promises and vagueness of previous years.

[To be continued]

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